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The Cheating SOB’s Of Halifax County

This is a serious scandal and somebody’s going to get kicked in the balls, folks. The golf balls, that is.

PLAY THROUGH: Tourney wrap up

There are about 200 people who regularly play golf and do the Halifax County tournaments. Before you think that’s an insignificant number, do realize that that’s about three times the number of voters in the recent South Boston election. But we’ve got trouble in that community, folks. It’s trouble that begins that begins with a capital “T”, like the “tee” you use to play golf.

I invite you to read down to the “READ THE RULE BOOK” section of the column where we find out that Green’s Folly and Halifax County Club seem to populated with cheating SOB’s. They also seem to cheat on the golf course, too.

…Some people, and you know who you are, have taken breaking the rules, or if you want to be honest about it, cheating, has become a widespread affair. The sad part about it is they do not seem to worry about who sees them because they do not feel they will be called on it…

“You know who you are”. This just get serious. (Fine. Yes, I laughed when I wrote that.) Ronnie Pate (our columnist), is calling for penalties of these cheaters. If they don’t admit the errors of their ways, never play with them. Most of all, never make wagers with them. Apparently, that’s the Halifax County Golf Society’s version of the death penalty. Side note: I have to wonder how much money changes hands at these golf courses?

So what’s going to happen if these cheaters keep cheating? Our columnist is Serious Business…

I hope this is the last time I have to mention this subject, but if not, you know I will mention names.

Of course, you know there’s no chance in hell that he’ll ever mention names but the threat is quite hilariously severe. I’ll admit that I want to know who these cheaters are. I want names. I want a photo of the biggest golf cheater ever.

judgesmailsWell, that sorta works…

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