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Thumbs! (6/3/2014)

Today’s “Thumbs!” article is worth everything that you paid for it…

… and I’ll be glad to refund your purchase price if you’re not satisfied. On to the Thumbs!

  • Thumbs UP! to Tammie Barksdale. She’s a stylist at Turn’n Headz salon and she’s got a heart of gold. In her latest example of giving back to the community, she worked her tail off this past Saturday coloring hair, styling hair, cutting hair and even waxing away hair all for the benefit of a local girl who was badly injured in a car accident last month. She hit all of her fundraising goals and kept on going well past that number. She’s a truly amazing person and I highly recommend her for your salon needs. Give her a call at 434-575-1001 and become her next customer for life. She’s amazing and you’ll quickly agree.
  • Thumbs UP! to Telly Tucker. He’s the new Director of Economic Development for Danville and he’ll start on July 1st. He’s got his work cut out for him and he’s going to have to hit some homeruns quickly, but his resume says that he’s got the skills needed to do it. We’ll continue to follow that city department as close as we always have, but we’re wishing Tucker the best in his new job.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to Comcast. Their South Boston market is already way behind the times when it comes to technology and new products, and now the company is going to close their walk-in customer service center. That means any Comcast customer who wants a quick trade on defective equipment is going to have to make the drive to Danville. The company is spinning this news by saying more customers are choosing self-service options, but that’s horsecrap when it comes to providing excellent customer service. Cable is losing subscribers every day and this won’t help their almost-forgotten South Boston market one bit.

And that’s my Thumbs! for the day. More coming up on SouthsideCentral.



4 comments to Thumbs! (6/3/2014)

  • Tambarksdale

    Thank you for your kindness Bruce, I really appreciate it

  • Jerry

    Good luck to Mr. Tucker.

    However, I disagree with your analysis. I don’t want Mr. Tucker to do anything “quickly.” Why? Because I think that’s the problem with a lot of economic developers. They feel like they need to make announcements, even when the deal isn’t very good.

    I wish Mr. Tucker would work slowly but efficiently to rebuild the local economy. I don’t care if there isn’t a press release in the first six months. If he’s performing due diligence and lands a quality employer in his 3rd year with concrete jobs and investment, I’ll take that any day over a couple of years of “announcements” that ultimately end up as a “Job Bust.”

    Please, Mr. Tucker, do not feel pressure to throw out press releases. We’ve had enough of them over the past 10 years. Let’s work to land a good employer, no matter how long it takes.

  • Buddy

    Those words from “Jerry” are as sensible as any words yet on this blog!

  • Jerry

    I’ll give you an example. Obviously, there are some negative perceptions from the Coal Ash spill. But, let’s say that there’s no real environmental impact. In my opinion, a good economic developer would use Danville’s best feature (abundant water) to try and land a brewery. If we had a brewery on the river, it would help the River District redevelopment and it would probably supply some good jobs. I’d much rather land a brewery which provides jobs and helps downtown redevelopment than 10 press releases that never come to fruition.

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