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Thumbs! (6/12/2014)

You give me the finger, I’ll give you the Thumbs!

I’ve always wanted to use that joke. Anyway, what’s going on in the area to give some Thumbs! to? Let’s find out…

  • Thumbs UP! to Wayne Alan and the Historic North Theatre. It’s been almost two years since Wayne Alan bought and reopened the North Theatre and lots of  people said there was no chance that he’d be successful. I was one of those and I was wrong. Alan is an amazing magician but the theater is way more than a magic show. In fact, they’ve got a comedy show scheduled for Friday night and the tickets are only $15. It’s an amazing place to watch any type of show.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the citizens of the towns of Halifax & Virgilina because only the incumbents filed for the upcoming November elections. That’s a shame. The good news is that’s twelve races that we’ll predict correctly. The bad news is that Halifax gets four more years of Jack Dunavant.
  • And a Thumbs UP! to the Downtown Danville Association and their helpers for putting on the Downtown Scavenger Hunt and doing it perfectly. I heard absolutely no complaints from participants or merchants and that’s quite rare for a first time event.The JTI Fountain Plaza is becoming a big asset to the city and it looks like it’s living up to its potential. I’m looking forward to the next Scavenger Hunt.

And there you go. You should be proud. I made it through an entire article without mentioning food. Thumbs UP! to me!


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