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SouthsideCentral is Getting Fit!

Let’s be real. I ain’t the type of person who goes out and runs seven miles each day. But I’ll admit, this Get Fit Dan River 50,000 pound challenge has motivated me some…

The first thing I want you to do is to check out Get Fit Dan River’s website, then check out their Facebook page.

Now it’s time for you to get involved. Yes, I’m doing a little bit myself so I know you can. There’s three things going on this week that you can do…

Monday: Meet down at Danville’s JTI Fountain Plaza at 6:30 PM and join in the exercise fun with the Get Fit Dan River crew. Do what you can and there’s no pressure for you to over-exert yourself.

Wednesday: Make your way out to the Cherrystone Missionary Baptist Association Center at 5551 Tom Fork Rd in the Ringgold area. You can meet First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe for a “Eat To Live” picnic. You’ll learn about healthy eating that actually tastes good while having a great time.

Friday: I’ll see you at Danville’s Chick-Fil-A on Riverside Drive. Yes, I  have no shame and will move and dance with the Chick-Fil-A cow and I’m not going to be doing it for the free grilled chicken sandwich… although that does help entice me a little bit.

Got any questions? Want to learn more? Give Get Fit Dan River a call at 434-770-9139! I’ll see you at these events this week and let’s Get Fit together!



7 comments to SouthsideCentral is Getting Fit!

  • Wilson

    Come on, SC, please don’t go silly on us.

    • Hey now, this is a good cause and my body sure wouldn’t mind dropping a few pounds. We’re still on the case of scandals and bad things happening around the area.

      I’m trying to make this into a website where almost anything is covered… something for everybody!

  • Wilson

    Okay, but keep in mind that too often “something for everybody” means not much of substance for anybody. But our faith is strong!

    • Last week was a perfect storm of conspiracy and idiocy. It will be hard to ever top that combination of events… but we’re always on the lookout. It’s hard to juggle news, opinion and features but we’re learning as we go. Five years ago, I started the site out and it became almost 100% political. Now we’ve got a balance of everything.

      Anybody can tell you what happened, including SouthsideCentral. We pride ourselves on telling you how and why it happened, and sometimes we’ll tell you before it’s going to happen.

  • David

    Everybody needs balance, even the SouthCentral commentators and responders…Great job Bruce!

  • Make sure you sign up under “Team Chuck!”

  • Jeff

    Bruce I have known you since probably 1980 and in all of that time I have never known you to run…at all, or even walk fast, so I applaud your effort to lose weight. Your endorsement of this however does catch me off guard which begs the question, how much are they paying you? ;P (i’m just kidding)

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