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Let’s look at Ed Newsome’s contract…

So you want to know how much Ed Newsome gets paid? You want to see the terms of his employment contract?

You got it.

And here it is…

We’ll be talking about this more in the next few days on SouthsideCentral.





24 comments to Let’s look at Ed Newsome’s contract…

  • Lee Smallwood

    One thing I’ll say is that I think a termination by the Board would have probably violated the contract unless there was some bad act we have not heard about. Given the lack of termination I suggest there was no such bad act.

  • Trevor

    I believe everybody is getting all “worked up” over nothing. there are 3 principal jobs to fill. + an end of the physical year happens June 30. This meeting is in my prediction—to name 3 principals and close out the 2013-14 school year…could be wrong. There will be a racial ho down in Danville if Newsome is terminated as NAACPrez said. Funny—-this does not happen when a white central office licensed administrator is axed…

    Can anyone explain why??

    • Lee Smallwood

      When has Danville hired a white Superintendent one year and axed him the next?

    • idkaidc

      Stick a fork in Danville—Danville is done. There was a time when the Mayor represented all the citizens of Danville. He clearly no longer represents all the citizens. Yes, the NAACP will have an outcry. The Mayor, earlier this year, showed his character. Now, the NAACP is showing its’ character. Looking at Danville, as it is today, looking at the schools and the direction, and the NAACP Prez comment, what industry in its’ right mind would want to get in this sticky situation, (tar baby; ie, a situation better avoided than confronted) . Danville is a “little” Detroit. The Utility department can no longer the general budget. Rates have to be raised. Danville is in a downward spiral, and is about to spiral out of control.People cannot afford what is happening. The best job in Danville now is, get a check. A disability check! What future is that? Employers can see what is happening. The only ones that will come here are those that can get a grant. After they get a grant, they will move out under the cover of darkness. Danville will never recover, with or without, Dr. Newsome, the NAACP, the Mayor, or grants! Danville is only an election or two away from destruction.
      As for 3 principals, it is a shame Newsome and/or the school board has let this go for so long. They should be in place planning the new school year! There are also others in DPS whose future is unknown. There is no excuse for that either!

  • Trevor

    Newsome has an awesome “john hancock” ! (signature)

  • Trevor

    a WHITE superintendent was Danville City Supt for a year –he was axed then Sue DAvis was appointed. I don’t recall his name. No outcry for him or support

  • Trevor

    Even tho this is off topic but the topic is above—– ::: the city council aint nothing but a bunch of ole geezers—-I remember when LEE VOGLER was running —he was suppose to be the answer to the ole geezers. Young fresh blood. wHAT HAS HE DONE? for anyone? Any “bills/legislation” ( lack of a better word) has he recommened and approved? NAYTINNNN…He is a bench warmer. Glad to see that ole swiveled up toad leaving. The incoming winner seems to be for the common man—let’s see what he does.

    NOW back to subject at hand—-Yes Dr. Newsome inherited unfinished business Sue Davis left. She left midyear before the shit hit the fan—jumped ship—REMEMBER : she was going to stay til June but WHYYYY did she leave midyear??? anyone REALLY know? Dr. Newsome has a vision for the school system–he calls it a ” BLUEPRINT” and has done things to improve. I saw on chalk talk he got on a bus and visited neighborhoods to introduce himself. He aint been sittin in the BIG CHAIR in a building on Main Street in the so called “river district” Most superintendents come to a new school system with a vision—a plan—

  • Lee Smallwood

    Danville, Indiana is also looking for a new Superintendent. Oddly enough the reasons seem to be many of the same type we think are at play here. The difference is that he had since 2008 to do his job.

  • Idiyah

    Does anybody question WHAT IT IS GOING TO COST TO BUY HIM OUT?
    They claim to not have any money, but at the least it’s going to cost $300,000 to buy him out. Now that’s what ya’ll need to be “hot” about.

  • Joshua Norris

    That is a sweet signature.

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