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QuickHits! (7/5/2014)

Let’s take a look at some headlines that have caught my eye in the area…

You know that a Big Board is coming…

That’s pretty Quick, and they’re all Hits! More coming up on SouthsideCentral!




4 comments to QuickHits! (7/5/2014)

  • Still mad

    Here is one: just learned that city of Danville teachers were having to do some data gathering on their own time. Excuse from newsome was they Had to prove certain things that were being accomplished in the classrooms and how they were achieving the goals. Hundreds of hours were spent on the teachers’personal time. No reimbursement from school system. Turns out newsome has a consulting business on the side and he used this info for that. Can you verify? Because if it is true their should be a class action lawsuit filed against him.

  • Philosopher

    How can Danville afford a buy out when they closed 3 schools and have 3 schools combined into one over at Bonner?

  • Philosopher

    @Stillmad-believe half of what you hear….Teachers had binders city-wide to show professional development… These binders were implemented last year before Dr. Newsome came…The binders include information that shows how the teacher are accomplishing his or her set goal…

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