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Thumbs! (7/6/2014)

Our Thumbs! were getting rusty, so we oiled them up and now they’re ready to go…

UP! is good, DOWN! is bad. Let’s do it…

  • Thumbs UP! to Danville’s newest restaurant choices! In the past few weeks we’ve had Moon River Thai Bistro, Nick’s Grill and (that place on Ridge St. that I don’t know the name too but if you do, tell me and I’ll fix the article) open up. All have gotten good food reviews so far. Let’s see how much support they get and how business goes.
  • Thumbs UP! to the idealism of Sharon Dones and Steven Gould. They’re the incoming members on the Danville school board, They wrote an oped in today’s Register & Bee about how it was time for the school board and school system to move forward and solve the problems together. Let’s see how that works out as idealism meets realism in their first few months of elected office. I hope a lot of people read Dones’ and Gould’s letter today, even though they only sent it to the Register & Bee. (HA! Thumbs UP! to me for for that bazinga!) SouthsideCentral will be covering a lot more school board activity from now on and we’ll bring you the only LIVE! coverage.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the dumbasses that have been messing with the JTI fountain downtown and ended up breaking it. The fountain was donated but the maintenance work on it ain’t free, people. And while we’re talking about it, it’s a fountain and not a swimming pool. Show some common sense and don’t let your kids splash around in it. Yuck!

That’s some quick Thumbs! action. We’ve got more coming on SouthsideCentral…


12 comments to Thumbs! (7/6/2014)

  • People it’s a fountaon not a bathtub for you to bath your kids in.

  • Jim

    Attention Danvillians: if you have a pet alligator that’s just gotten too darned big, don’t dump it in the river! Donate it to the city and it can live in our fountain! Your potential missing limb problem is solved, and the city no longer has to deal with dumbasses letting their kids get in the fountain. Everybody wins!

  • Floyd Yeyes

    Bruce, I think it’s called “I can’t believe it’s not Goat-Meat!”

  • Lee Smallwood

    I feel kind of badly for including this as a comment when I haven’t even been there myself, but does anybody know much about Normie’s Deli? I know it was on Westover and disappeared only to move to Loyal Street. Any good?

    • They had a stop in between at Market Square shopping center. I’ve read one friend’s report of bad service but that’s all.

    • Jeff

      Normie’s is on Patton, not Loyal.

      • Lee Smallwood

        Good catch there. The way Wilson rounds into Jefferson still throws me a little bit and leads to these sorts of errors in my mind.

    • Fred Shanks

      Homey atmosphere, food is goo, service is good, prices are really good…very friendly place, but with the conversation between customer and Normie, it’s not the best choice if you are looking for a five minute in and out lunch. I dont eat out much these days, but thats one I will definitely keep in the rotation.

      • Lee Vogler

        Fred is right. Not the best spot if you’re trying to get in and out in a hurry but Normie is the sweetest lady and the chili she puts on the hot dogs is one of a kind in this area.

        As far as the new store on Ridge Street goes…I think it’s called Ridge Street grocery but I’ve been in a few times. Has everything you’d expect in a small grocery store, plus a few specialty items. Very friendly service and they run monthly specials on drinks etc. A nice addition to the River District. Haven’t tried Nick’s yet but I’ve heard good things. Moon River Thai is a gem for Southside VA. Only place of its kind and its bringing regular daily traffic to that section of North Main. Very good addition.

  • trevor

    We need a Panera bread restaurant. Lynchburg has 2. We need eateries for all socioeconomic classes not an exclusive class.

    Danville city does not begin and end in the river district.

    AND—-Danville does not need another sporting goods store. One is to occupy Danville Mall’s former Boscov store. there is already one there. Several are in the city. That would be like building a second LOWES home improvement.

    If we only had one sporting goods store, then I can see a 2nd one.

    • We had a Home Depot open near Lowe’s. Both have survived.

    • Lee Smallwood

      Panera Bread is pretty pricey, isn’t it?

      I tend to think Panera is not on the immediate radar. I persist in thinking burrito joint is next and a secret there is that I don’t even eat rice so I get tacos at Chipotle. Depending on what form a burrito joint took I might not even have anything to eat there! I’d still be happy to see it.

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