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PhotoCentral: “Music on Main” (7/17/2014)

If it’s happening, SouthsideCentral will try to be there! We missed the first “Music on Main” at downtown Danville’s JTI Fountain Plaza but we got there for Thursday night’s concert. Awesome weather, awesome place, awesome music. Enjoy the photos!

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


8 comments to PhotoCentral: “Music on Main” (7/17/2014)

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    I noticed the blue popery boxes in the middle of the crowd .It sure made the experience much more pleasant every time someone opened the doors,,, If you were close enough which was not hard to be considering where these boxes were in the crowd you had the pleasant waterfall sounds the men created .

  • observer

    The crowd at this one seems smaller than the last one.. Danville don’t like jazz? Chuck is taking in the sounds. Is he thinking of his next news story.

    • Observer

      Wait a minute… Danville complains about not having a variety of music coming to the area. Here you have it and wha la… What is the old saying ” you build it they will come. Well I see they scheduled it and no one came”

  • Travis Hackworth

    Actually Bruce got there at the very end of the event. I was there around 7 pm and there were about 350 ppl there which is probably max capacity for the space which they held the event. It was a good event and very well attended.

  • Pat Eastwood

    Good band, but I thought more blues than jazz, even though the newspaper had listed it as “bluegrass and folk.” I had the same thought about the blue boxes – surely they could have found a different spot for those other than right smack in the middle of the audience area – although that area is a bit challenging. All in all it was a nice event with a diverse audience and great music. It would have been nice to have had an adult beverage!

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    Maybe it just me but would it not be a little better for people with difficulty walking to possibly place the stage down at the bottom on the parking lot so the people can sit in the parking lot and walk on the asphalt instead of having the parking lot used for city truck parking and a concession stand then the blue boxes would be fine where they are but still could be put somewhere better. Just my opinion.

  • Observer

    Thanks for clearing it up. I am glad they had a good crowd. I am sorry for my comments.

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