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Return Of The Rat Crap Controversy

You’re fired. You’re rehired. Well, sorta hired. You’re hired, but to a job where we’re never going to call you to work.

Hoo boy.

Here we go again…

Former cafeteria worker not backing down

At first, I was totally against the Halifax County school board on the original “Rat Crap Controversy” but then I changed my mind after I did further investigation. But hey, here we go again.

Emma Sims (through her daughter as a proxy) had a speech for the school board asking for her job back last Monday night. The school board did a nice thing that meant absolutely nothing for Sims by rehiring her as a substitute food services worker. This means that they never have to actually give her any hours. Now, this decision made the Frank Colemans and Joe Baileys of Halifax County happy (gee, wonder why?) but they didn’t figure out that Emma Sims was going to get absolutely nothing.

Now, let’s talk about Emma Sims’ absolutely ridiculous “demands” in her school board presentation (again, read by her daughter). She wanted full pay from the time she was fired until everybody involved was out of the school system or she turned 66 years old (well, at least she did put in a benefits termination clause). Pardon me while I make an objective comment on Sims’ proposal…

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Is she out of her frickin’ mind? She wants to be paid for sitting on her ass? Why doesn’t she ask for a tropical island and a helicopter too?

Ok, we’re back. Needless to say, the school board did not accept those terms and simply gave her a job. Well, a job that really wasn’t a job. She got $0.00 in back pay and zero monthly installments of $0.00 (which was a fair settlement offer from the school board).

Unsurprisingly, Sims didn’t like that outcome. Emma’s got her a lawyer. In Florida. She’s trying to get a Virginia lawyer. Is Lionel Hutz still available?

Hey, speaking of the Halifax County school system… I don’t think the Albert Randolph situation is over yet. Lovely.

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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