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“But…but…he lied to us!”

Let’s blame it on West Virginia.

Stalking suspect bonded out of West Virginia jail, now wanted in Virginia

So that happened. So a man wanted by police and “considered dangerous” is arrested on a fugitive from justice warrant and gets a $500 bond? Then he promptly skips that like a playground jumprope and is back in his sports car moving to probably his next state?

Being serious for a minute, I got a credible tip that the police are more worried about him being a danger to himself. This may have been the best chance for them to go pick him up since Pocahontas County, WV was only a 4 1/4 hour drive away. But it looks like there was a big lack of communication and this guy’s back on the road. Maybe he’ll drive himself back to Virginia and turn himself in the next time he’s caught. Or the next. Maybe the one after that. He wouldn’t lie three times in a row, would he?

Maybe he’s going for that “50 States in 50 Weeks” type of fun trips? You can’t really be that badass if you’re only getting misdemeanors and $500 bonds, anyway.


1 comment to “But…but…he lied to us!”

  • Lee Smallwood

    Strictly on the West Virginia part…it’s my home state. The way they view the justice system is God’s mystery even to me. I decline further comment on any other aspect of the story.

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