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We Couldn’t Even Get a Top 10?

Oh come on folks, there’s got to be more than seven “influential and respected African-American leaders in South Boston/Halifax County“.

Reception honors a gallery of greatness

Originally, this started out as a “Top 10” contest project during Black History Month. Unfortunately, the nomination process was more complicated than entering the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes without ordering any magazines so I’m not surprised that the seven-day deadline was not met. If you’re wondering how this contest project started, here’s the link to the original story.

Before this turns into the SouthsideCentral article that you know it will be, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. Dianna Allen is an awesome photographer and her creative thought processes make her the most visually amazing photographer in the Southside region. I highly endorse her work and strongly encourage people to use her services. In the SouthsideCentral hilarity that is about to ensue, I am not criticizing Dianna Allen in any way. Moving along…

What the heck, Halifax County? You couldn’t come up with at least three more “influential and respected African-American leaders” to add to this list? I should have completed my nominations of Ed Owens, Nettie Owens & Buck Owens, but that’s not important right now. Here’s some of my ideas of “influential and respected African-American leaders” of Halifax County that could possibly still be considered…

  • Kevin Chandler – Chandler should be nominated for his support of Halifax County Little Theatre. He was all in favor of their performances of “To Kill A Mockingbird” up until the time that he was suddenly against it. In fact, this ceremony would be a great place for him to finally complete his apology to the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office that he failed to do three and a half years ago.
  • Brenda Tune-Fuller – Fuller should be recognized for her attempts at saving the county’s money on paper-shredding costs. Hey, it was getting cold and starting a bonfire behind the school was a great way of keeping school administrators hands warm as they were trying to grab documents out of the barrel.
  • Joe Bailey – Joe Bailey’s commitment to education as a school board member couldn’t have been more clear than the night he was busted for trespassing on school grounds with an “acquaintance” in the early-morning hours. In fact, he even tried to explain that as a school board member, he had access to the property whenever he needed it. Voters reacted to his desire for education by voting him out of office at the next election.
  • Frank Coleman – I’m partial to Frank. He deserves the recognition for calling me a racist. I heart him.
  • Earl Womack – We haven’t heard much from Earl Womack since he resigned from the school system and abdicated his seat on the Board of Supervisors. Womack should get special recognition for recommending that his Board of Supervisors seat should go to another black person (that recommendation was rightfully ignored). Earl’s living in Florida now but occasionally comes back to Halifax County. It’s a long drive but I’m sure he knows how to get the best prices on gasoline for those long drives. I’m betting that he’ll be back in Halifax County very soon and he may stay in Virginia for some time.

That’s my suggestions and nominations to round out the Top 10. There’s still time for you to weigh in with the event’s organizers. I haven’t gotten my ticket to the reception yet, but I’m sure that it’s in the mail.

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


3 comments to We Couldn’t Even Get a Top 10?

  • Jim

    I can’t believe you missed the lowest hanging low-hanging fruit of all: Merle Rutledge for filing so many frivolous lawsuits that he’s been essentially banned from further filings. And that’s just one reason that he’s the area’s number one low-level troublemaker.

  • Jim

    On second thought, this was Halifax, not Danville Pittsylvania County so I guess Rutledge didn’t get to play… unless his shenanigans have spilled over into the next county. Either way, he’s a fun subject of conversation!

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