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Thumbs! (7/26/2014)

Up! Down! Up! Down! Up! Down!

Ups be good. Downs be bad. Big board be good.

  • Thumbs UP! to newly elected Danville School Board member Steven Gould. He promised in the election to start “office hours” once a month to hear from the public, and he’s already fulfilled that pledge with his first session on Tuesday night. The other new school board member, Sharon Dones stopped by to check in so she gets a Thumbs UP! too. These two “Get It”, folks. There’s great things to be said for accessibility to elected officials and these two are doing it right.
  • Sticking with a Gould theme… Thumbs UP! to Missy Neff Gould for being appointed to the Tobacco Commission. Governor Terry McAuliffe made the announcement Friday afternoon. Missy is a smart businesswoman who’s up and coming in the area, and we’re sure she’ll a great job on the Tobacco Commission.
  • Thumbs UP! to Tom McLaughlin. Yes, SouthsideCentral often mocks him as a partisan hack but last week he wrote an amazingly touching column. In his weekly opinion column, he set aside politics and talked about a teenager from Bluestone that just died from a rare cancer and how it brought back memories to him. Tom McLaughlin is an excellent writer, but this opinion piece is one of his best columns ever.

My goodness. All these Thumbs are UP! Do you believe in miracles?

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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