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SouthsidePreview: Five LIVE! events on Tuesday!

We’re going to put the SouthsideCentral engine to its hardest work ever on Tuesday. Five events on our schedule and we’re going to give you the only LIVE! coverage of them. We won’t stop until SouthsideCentral drops!

We were always planning to give you LIVE! coverage and commentary on the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce’s “State of the Region” address on Tuesday at 7:30AM at the Institute. Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jessie Barksdale and Danville Mayor Sherman Saunders will give speeches about the area’s progress. We’ll start that LIVE! coverage around 7:00AM. We’re adding a lot more to our plate because Governor Terry McAuliffe and his cabinet will be attending and holding meetings around the region all day.

Here’s the additional events that we’re going to cover:

9:00AM – 10:00AM – The governor will have a cabinet meeting at the Institute.

10:30AM – 12:00N – The governor will hold a roundtable on economic development and workforce development at RCATT.

12:30PM – 2:00PM – The governor will take a tour of Danville’s River District.

3:00PM – 3:30PM – Secretary of the Commonwealth Levar Stoney will host a get-together to explain Virginia’s boards and commission and the appointment process.

SouthsideCentral will be covering all of these events LIVE! so be sure to refresh the articles’ pages often for the latest happenings, commentaries and photos. We’ll also add bonus coverage and photos once we finally make it home and start the editing process. Each event will have its own separate article.

If you’d like to come to these meetings or any others, here’s the complete schedule of everybody’s events.

We’re ready for the biggest coverage day ever on SouthsideCentral. We’re proud to be the only source where you’ll get the fastest and the best coverage in the region. We’re going to test the limits of the website and we hope it all works the way that we’ve planned.

I’m giving you, our readers, thanks for making SouthsideCentral what it’s turned into… the region’s leader in coverage and commentary. Serious thanks for all the reading, article sharing and comments. You’re amazing, folks.


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