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SouthsideSeven: Herman Logan

He’s local. He’s talented. He’s a hell of a good guy. Herman Logan, have a seat in the SouthsideSeven chair. We want to know more about you.

There’s going to be a fashion show in Halifax County on Saturday evening, August 2nd. Yep, you heard that right. Herman Logan is in our spotlight today and it’s time to get the questions started.

Zero down, SouthsideSeven to go…

SouthsideOne: Tell me who you are and all about you?

My name is Herman Logan. I’m originally from Camden, NJ. I moved to South Boston VA when I was 13 with my family. It was a huge culture shock for me. It was such a big transition. And at that age it definitely wasn’t easy. I stayed to myself for the most part until I graduated high school and went to college. I graduated from Virginia State University with my bachelor of science in business management with Cum Laude honors in 3 years. That experience was a major eye opening one. It help me realize so much about myself as a man and a person in general.

SouthsideTwo: Fashion designing. That’s a rare talent and desire in this area. Tell us about how you got the idea and motivation to get into that?

I’ve always been into fashion. I get it from my moms. She was a great seamstress and always wanted us to look nice when we was growing up. However we were never able to afford the latest trends. My mom and pops did their best, but it was a lot of clearance racks and hand me downs. But honestly it made me much more grateful and hungry for success. In high school is where it all started. I would make my own shirts and clothes and me and my little brother would wear them. It wasn’t the best now that I look back at it lol. I was criticized and talked about. Of course I wanted the newest jordans and throwbacks but we couldn’t afford it. But that was when I realized I didn’t want to be like anybody else. But it wasn’t until 011st while working at Wal-Mart when i had an epiphany.

SouthsideThree: “Planet ill”. I like the concept, the name, and the logo. Tell me about that creation process.

Planet ill came from my mind set. I’ve always been intrigued by planets and stars, but it came from how I feel. I’ve always felt like im different like I’m a Martian. I think on a different wave link, like I’m from a different planet. “Ill” in the hip-hop community means fly, cool, fresh. People love my style and personality because I follow what I love not what everybody else tells me to. So that’s how Planet ill came about. It’s a place where you can be yourself, do what you feel , where your dreams can come true . Where being YOU is ill. Hence the motto DREAM BIG LIVE ILL.

SouthsideFour: Southside isn’t known as a fashion mecca. What do you do to promote your line of clothes?

Yes, a line of clothing in a small town sounds impossible, I know, But word of mouth is an amazing marketing tool. I try and get people I’m cool with to wear my clothes. I definitely self promote. I wear my clothes everywhere I go. But with this age of technology and social media, I definitely take advantage. On Facebook my name is Herman Youbetahavemysweetpotatoes Logan and Planet ill page (which is still under construction) but you can still go and like the page. You can find me on Twitter @camdensflyboi and also on Instagram @itscamdenbitch. Also you can download the app on your phone named SNAPTEE. The username is planet ill. Website is coming soon.

SouthsideFive: I heard you’re going to do a fashion show. I love the idea. Tell me all about how it’s going to work. When, where, how do people get to see it?

The fashion show is an idea I had to get my name out. So far I’ve had a good response to the line. Now I want to get it to the next level. I want to show people my style and what I look to bring to the clothing game. It will be August the 2nd at 1010 Wilson Memorial Loop (Wilson Memorial Elementary School) Vernon Hill, VA 24597. I can be contacted on Facebook and Instagram. Clothing will be available for purchase. It’s free to the public.

SouthsideSix: Which would you rather have as a pet? A horse the size of a duck, or a duck the size of a horse?

Only Bruce will come up with a question like this. But definitely a horse the size of a duck. It would be much more manageable.

And now, the famous SouthsideSeven question… ask yourself a question and then answer it!

SouthsideSeven: What do I think success means?

Success means being happy. Being able to wake up every morning and say I love my life. My job my family. It doesn’t necessarily mean fame and fortune. It means being able to be passionate about what you do and helping someone achieve that same feeling.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, SouthsideSeven! We’re done!

Wait a minute… show our readers some of your fashion line!

And remind us about the Planet ill fashion show date and time?

Wow! Nice! SouthsideCentral will see you there! Now I can say it…

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, SouthsideSeven! We’re done!

Thanks, Herman!

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