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Thumbs! (8/3/2014)

Watch out. We’re licensed to Thumb!

Thumbs time! How about that Big Board?

  • Thumbs UP! to Kim Carson and her team of volunteers for putting together the upcoming National Night Out for Halifax County. The event starts at 5:30PM at the Halifax County Middle School on Tuesday. Kim has done a great job at all of the National Night Out events and it looks like she’s exceeded last year’s plans already.
  • Let’s stick with Halifax County. This one could shock you, but I’m giving a Thumbs UP! to Gazette-Virginian editor Paula Bryant for getting on the big garbage truck fire incident and getting a web-based story published on Saturday morning. We threw up a preliminary story on Saturday and then completed it once we got the full information, but Bryant got out in the field and did a rare Saturday story for the Halifax County newspapers. News and Record? They finished in third place, getting a web article up around 6PM.
  • Thumbs UP! to all of the people and community groups that are helping out the residents of the former Jefferson Court apartments in Danville. It’s wonderful to see everybody pulling together in their own way to try and salvage something for these people. There’s a lot more to come out of this story and we’re still working on it.
  • Finally, it’s a giant Thumbs UP! to the Register & Bee (and all other BH Media Newspapers) for finally implementing the paywall that I told you was coming last week. yes, they’ve accomplished their goal of pissing off a lot of their readers and customers, and I’m betting some of their advertisers won’t be too happy. I’ve already defeated their paywall so I don’t give a damn about it. However, SouthsideCentral would love to hear from potential advertisers about space here. Hee Hee.

Four items in a Thumbs! article and they’re all Thumbs UP! … what is going on with the world?

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


7 comments to Thumbs! (8/3/2014)

  • Bobby

    If you are ready to take ads, just put the word out. You are providing a great public service! Ads are useless in DRB and the paper’s content is a joke. That paper represents all that’s wrong with Danville. SSC represents hope!!!!

    • Thanks for the kind words. We’re getting close to that point. We’re working on a better design for the site (it’s quite plain now), and also working on a SouthsideCentral forum (message board) to get even feedback from people.

  • TDL

    Money spent advertising here will be money well spent!

  • Jerry

    Thumbs UP to SSC. The DRB is simply sad at this point. A one man blog has fresher and deeper content than the daily paper. What’s really sad is that if you subscribed to the DRB in the 70s/80s/90s, that was a pretty good paper for a metro of this size. The Sunday DRB usually had 7 or 8 stories by local reporters and at least one good in-depth story back then. I can’t recall the last great “in-depth” story by the DRB. Even the Sunday paper can be consumed in less than 30 minutes.

    SSC…..what is your guess as to how long the DRB remains a daily paper? I could easily see it going to 5 days a week. Cut out Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    • I think they’ll keep it going with more of a regional presence. The Reidsville Review has already been sucked up by the Greensboro News & Record.

      The local coal ash stories are no longer written by R&B reporters, they’re now Greensboro based. I feel that’s an example of things to come.

      • Jerry

        I did not know that about the Reidsville Review. Is your vision that the Richmond Times Dispatch would be the paper for the area and they would have a Danville Bureau?

        • I think it’s a better chance that it will become a hybrid of the Lynchburg, Greensboro and Richmond papers. Richmond for state government news, Greensboro for in-depth coverage and Lynchburg for operations. Combine that with two or three local reporters and you’ve streamlined a lot.

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