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RandomThoughts! (8/13/2014)

Thoughts, done in a random way. Well, semi-random.

It’s been a while since I’ve yelled out for a Big Board and we’ll fix that now. BIG BOARD!

  • Ed & Barbara Talbott are truly amazing people. Ed’s Honda in South Boston is closing after a terrific long-term run and they’re having a closeout sale of all of their Honda products. If you’ve been looking to get a Honda motorcycle or off-road vehicle, make your way down to their dealership quickly. I really wish the best for them. They’ve got the proverbial heart of gold.
  • Hey, while you’re in South Boston, go see their daughter Bunny at Riverdale Auto Sales. She’ll get you a great deal on a nice car as well. Phil has an amazing skill to fit 3,184 cars in their lot. 😀
  • No, they’re not advertisers but I love to promote good people and good small businesses.
  • Food talk! The local McDonald’s have brought back their 49¢/69¢ hamburgers/cheeseburgers on Sundays and 99¢ 6-piece Chicken McNuggets on Tuesdays. Mouthy quite approves Tuesday’s deal.
  • If South Boston is losing Margaret Coleman on town council because she’s moving away, that means that Halifax County is going to lose Frank Coleman. I’m heartbroken. There goes the only person who called me a racist. Sigh. Who will be appointed Interim Race Pimp for the county?
  • Danville Regional Airport. Very few people actually knows what happens on the aviation side. I learned a lot on Monday by stopping by that side and asking some questions. I talked with the Rembolds, and I’m going to feature more about the aviation and operations side in the future. Here’s the bottom line though. The airport is very important to the business community and it’s very much-needed for Southside to have any competitive chance at business recruitment.
  • Mecklenburg County’s school board is under fire for adding years to their superintendent’s contract. He’s unpopular with the community but I think he’s doing a good job. Oh well.
  • If you’ve never met Rockingham County (NC)’s Sheriff Sam Page, you need to. He’s an amazing guy and he’s one of the best sheriffs I’ve ever met. He’s highly influential in local, state and now national politics. He’s larger than life but is still very approachable and easy to talk to. I just got the word this morning that he’s going to skydive with the All Veterans Group to raise $2500 for Special Olympics. I’ll have an article up on this later today.
  • Dunham Sports not only will be coming to Danville Mall, they’ve signed on to put a new store in Martinsville’s Liberty Fair Mall. Developing…
  • I remember when there were at least 20 different tenants in the Masonic temple building.

That’s some RandomThoughts for now. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!


35 comments to RandomThoughts! (8/13/2014)

  • Gus

    And speaking of downtown buildings, has anything been mentioned as of late about plans for the old Register & Bee building?

    • Nothing. Still for sale.

      Oddly, I noticed signs that somebody had been doing something inside there. One day while walking past there, I noticed a small workbench set up by the glass doors and a styrofoam drink cup was on it. A week later, the table was there but the cup was gone. I have no idea why I remembered to look at that, but there you go.

  • Travis Hackworth

    Haven’t heard anything on the R&B building on S. Union.

  • bbowman

    Hey Bruce, do you by any chance have a contact for Dunham Sports?

  • Lee Smallwood

    How about the other two Main and Union corners? Anybody have anything on the development of the former Luv Wig location or the most expensive vacant lot in the River District?

  • Jerry

    Danville’s greatest asset is the Masonic Temple. Danville’s greatest liability is the Masonic Temple. The building could be so amazing. A similar structure is the Allied Arts Building in Lynchburg. It gives that City’s downtown some real character. The owner just spent 3 million to refurbish it in 2013 and its already paying dividends with some new tenants.

    So long as the Masonic Temple remains nearly vacant and looking the way it does, it’s going to be tough to get serious redevelopment going. You can’t have the most prominent building in downtown (outside of City Hall) look like it does and expect serious economic development. Any architect will tell you that. The Masonic Temple is a landmark/destination building that is vital to redevelopment.

    • Jaynie Prete

      True, Jerry. The Masonic Temple hugs one of the most visible corners in the downtown. The Main St level is amazing……I loved going in when there was a little deli several years ago.

      • Lee Smallwood

        The whole building as recently as maybe 5 years ago was still amazing. The last couple were really hard on it, though. Even with all the damage I think likely happened based on the things I know about, there are still a lot of great things within that building. I have said ever since I first went inside it that if it were in virtually any other city, it would be a treasure.

        • Jerry

          You are so right. In any other city, the building would be an absolute treasure.

          That’s why I’m very skeptical of another “Downtown redevelopment” in Danville. I don’t know a lot, but I do know that if you’re going to redevelop downtown, you HAVE to make the most prominent building on the most prominent corner in downtown a centerpiece. No way I’d have done anything with downtown redevelopment until the Masonic Temple was under City control or with a developer that was committed to massive redevelopment of the building.

          Maybe you can’t answer, but you sound like you have recently been in the building. How bad is the interior? It scares me to read that the structure is for sale for $1 million. That low of a price for such an impressive building suggests that some massive repairs/improvements are necessary.

          • Lee Smallwood

            I was last in the building in January. The most significant concern we saw was a near-complete lack of access some days due to the combination of elevators that did not function and concrete stairs that were covered in condensation to the point of being unable to navigate them without falling.

  • charles

    Bruce, any more news on that Macerata Wheels deal and the $600k

  • Local Business Owner

    Speaking out of turn here a bit but the Masonic Temple aka River City Towers seems to have just taken the likely very large insurance payment from the flooding and pocketed it. I do not think any of that money went back into the building. That makes the current asking price way over priced. Lets look at history for a second:

    In 2005 it sold for $450,000
    In 2007 it sold for $850,000 to the current owner. She had big plans but personal things sidetracked them. To my knowledge she has maintained but not really improved the building since. My guess is that insurance check was for at least half of what she paid, maybe way more. So she has about $500k in it. I am not sure what she got from selling her parking lot to the city but factor that in as well.

    Just fyi, it is currently assessed at 591k which is about what it is worth.

    I have heard that tenants have been far from happy under her ownership and my guess is that backs up the people leaving.

    Should the town buy it at 500-650k? Sure, I would completely support that. Should the town spend more–no. The town has a history of overpaying for properties that they should have underpaid for. (Don’t get me started on that!)

    I also think the town should grab Hotel Danville and the old Belk building and develop all three major properties as corner stones for a improved downtown. They should spend a decent amount of money restoring and improving them (while getting some funds from State/Federal level) and make the rents below market to ensure they fill up pretty quickly and stay full.

    They should also purchase other secondary properties, repair the issues, turn upper floors into apartments and then lease the main floors to businesses cheaply. (They are doing some of this but seem to be dragging their feet now) There is almost no reason downtown should have empty buildings within 2-3 years on the main streets if they wanted to do this. My guess is that this would be a much better use of tax payer dollars than most past/current economic development investments.

    P.S. We need a nice indoor venue for concerts and such. Big enough to attract talent year round like we do in the summer. There is no reason why we can’t have 10-14 concerts per year creating a lot more revenue for the town.

    • Lee Smallwood

      10-14 concerts per year? Look at what Matt Hankins and company are doing in Rocky Mount with The Harvester. An appropriate indoor venue could be a gigantic draw, and Danville could probably support 30 dates a year or more.

      I expect that if something is done with the Masonic Temple Building, it will involve the city (or IDA or the Community Foundation or whoever) buying it at whatever price and selling it to a well qualified developer with demonstrated financing and appropriate vision for $1. The renovations will be extensive, and I think that’s just about the only way to make it viable.

      As far as tenants, what tenants? JP Rodgers may still be there, or he might not be.

    • Harold Garrison

      So you think is if OK for the city to use taxpayers money to supplement the cost of someone being in business and in competition with you. I am against using taxpayer money in any form to supplement the cost of anyone in business. There is one business in Danville that has a lot of taxpayers money and has been here for several years. This business has two employees, the two owners!

      • Local Business Owner

        Dear Harold,

        I do support some business subsidizes. I believe in creating demand so strong that there is a waiting list on going. Does that mean free rent? No. Does that mean giving buildings away–no because you can’t control the future of that “gift”. I am talking about leasing space that is nicer than the rest of the area for maybe 60-80% of going rate rent. Perhaps signing 3 year leases that start at 50% off, then 40% off, then 30% off. The lease can be extended for 5 more years at 25% off. Something like that. The idea being that the discount would help the business cover relocating expenses and allow them to increase their carrying costs over time.

        Notice I am not saying the properties would necessary lose money–just be below average rent. Once they had been established for a while, the town could sell them fully leased under claw back contracts (with the above lease terms required but all new leases open to market value.)

        You could tie in discounts to other downtown businesses and people living downtown to the leases as well to further support the utilization by “locals” to that area. Then have the town create a policy where local businesses in the downtown area have priority (at the same rates) for city business. That would further support downtown businesses and bring other business back into the area without cost to the tax payer.

        I have plenty of ways to pay for all of these things without impacting most residents or impacting most businesses. I feel the gain would far exceed the minor impact to those who can support it.

  • Nicole

    To everyone that wants the city to buy anything you need to remember the only source of income the government has on any level (local, state, federal) is taxes and fees (another term for taxes) so if they buy it you are paying for it. So, no, the city doesn’t need to buy anything. I, for one, am tired of paying for other people’s mistakes.

    • Lee Smallwood

      The city has one of two choices — do nothing and die a slow death or wisely invest money to fix problems that exist. There are examples of bad choices made by the city all over the place, but there are also successes in many places. If you are a taxpayer, the biggest tax you’re likely paying is property tax. If that’s real estate, you’re kind of stuck here. The future either holds them getting this right and the tax base expanding so your long term tax burden shrinks or them getting it wrong and/or doing nothing. That will result in the tax base shrinking and your long term tax burden going up.

      • Nicole

        The city does not have a history of “wisely” investing.

        • Local Business Owner

          I agree on some purchases they have wasted money but I think their purchases overall have been much better investments than all of these loans they co-signed for that tax payers are going to have to repay with little or NOTHING to show for it.

          • Lee Smallwood

            I cannot believe that the City was signing on to all of the Tobacco Commission money with an apparent belief that they had no responsibility. I’d like somebody to get to the bottom of why it happened that way. Did the City Attorney blow it? If so, I’d say time for a new City Attorney. Was the City Attorney either not heeded or not consulted? If so, the people should demand other changes.

  • Local Business Owner

    Just an FYI, it isn’t just Jeremy that is to blame here. I was in meetings along these lines…IDA’s leadership was/is as much on the hook. But I am sure that isn’t where this stops. I can tell you that Jeremy seemed to be given orders from others and it was those people that commonly approved or killed deals. I think it is interesting that 3 out of the tiny economic development office left office (and town) so close time-wise.

    To think those responsible are gone is incorrect. I understand a few hiccups but I can not understand how these deals kept being approved without pretty much any success stories.

  • trevor

    the Danville public library needs a new home—the current place is cramp, crowded, junky–probably not A D A compatible—with all of the vacant buildings and former stores there are possibilities. I am sure the police/sherrifs departments and city hall could find uses for the building. perhaps Lee vogler could pass a bill and get this accomplished instead of looking preppy and pushing hair out of his eyes—-nevertheless a new library is needed.

    • Trevor, I appreciate your ability to once again randomly inject my name into a conversation and take some bizarre type of pot shot at me. Last week you called me a wuss. This week I’m preppy. We’re all on pins and needles for what the next title will be.

      Please tell us all your full name so we can take all of your suggestions to heart. Heck, I’ll meet with you anytime you want, so you can tell me how to make Danville a better place. I’ll even comb my hair 🙂

    • It’s ADA compliant and quite functional in the building that it’s in. i don’t really see a pressing need for a new location for a new library location.

  • trevor

    what’s the current status of 1. the white mill building 2. that long trailer building above the dan river behind the white mill building and 3. the dan river research building future home of Danville orthopedic ?

    haven’t heard in months

    • 1) It’s still being marketed to “potential tenants”. Supposedly. It hasn’t tried to catch itself on fire lately.
      2) That walkway between the former Dan River mills is just sitting there inaccessible. Two years ago, a group of summer interns came up with some ideas about how it could be preserved and/or used. Nothing has happened.
      3) The Free Money in the form of tax credits has finally been approved, so expect construction to start Real Soon Now.

  • Carter

    Whatever happened to the gang of rainmakers who acquired the former Dan River Mills HQ? They were going to change the world as I recall. Gone with the wind with the other hucksters?

  • Carter

    What a great service you are providing. The Danville newspaper would NEVER reveal any of this scandal because they are up to their necks in it as prissy cheerleaders. It’s hard to believe that they are guilty of simple incompetence for which they are infamous. God bless you for your service and may He forgive you for some of your cursing.

    • Me and Him have a pretty good deal. I keep things straight down here on the earth and he looks the other way on minor things. Plus He gave us the stuff for us to figure out how to make whiskey. It works for everybody.

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