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Hey? Is that microphone on?

Yes, H.F. Haymore, that microphone is on. Hoo Boy.

Dan River Region clerks react to possible same-sex marriages

(Register & Bee link. Paywall may apply unless you break through it.)

Let’s make this clear right now. I don’t give a damn what your opinion of gay marriage is. That’s up to your and your own beliefs.

That being said, the national mindset is shifting to be accepting of it. Recent court decisions have shown that to be the case.

H.F. Haymore is a damned good man. He’s been elected numerous times to the Clerk of Court constitutional office and has always done a good job with it. He’s never done anything wrong or horrible, so I’m not going to blast him as a person.  I’m disappointed in his quote, but that’s only my viewpoint.

I’ve got two problems with this situation though. First, he’s a constitutional officer and he’s sworn to perform his duties as prescribed by law. His personal opinion on the “sickening” factor of the potential changes is irrelevant to his job duties. Second, he’s been in the media spotlight enough to know that you just don’t say things like that in front of any reporter. Denice Thibodeau did her job by reporting that quote accurately.

I’ve got no doubt that H.F. Haymore will perform his job duties and do what is told for him to do by the Attorney General’s office. I’m just disappointed in what he said and the circumstances on how he said it.




19 comments to Hey? Is that microphone on?

  • Lee Smallwood

    I want to see if he leaves it alone, tries to spin it as being disgusted by Herring for choosing not to defend the ban, or owns up to his own arguable bigotry.

  • Sheila B

    His attitude came off in his comments….”bitterness” is used in describing another comment he made. His tone was totally out of place. Would you want to go to him to apply for a license as a gay couple? Can you imagine the “attitude” he is likely to display? If his tone does not show it his face probably will. What he said was totally out of place-his opinion is his opinion-but it is not part of his job. If he finds it so “sickening” he should resign, refuse his pension in protest. That would express his opinion very well.

  • Nicole

    It has been many many years since anyone (especially public officials) could speak without being heard and quoted on any number of topics. What I don’t understand is why they haven’t learned to keep their private thoughts private and just stick to the facts? We may be considered as living in the backwoods but there are a lot of surprisingly forward thinking people in the general population and one day the elected officials may come to that realization.

    • Jerry

      I won’t get into the politics/morality of same sex unions. What I will say is this: Nicole is 100% right about the general population/political class divide. I doubt there’s a City Council or BOS member or state Delegate/Senator from the region who supports same sex unions.

      But I’d bet at least 40% of the region has no problem with it. The Star Tribune did their 5 men in the street interview a couple of weeks ago on the topic, and I believe 4 of the respondents didn’t have a problem with it. Obviously 5 people isn’t a huge sample, but…..

  • K. Bennett

    I totally agree with your take on this. I’m not interested in his personal opinions. If he’s so disgusted by upholding the law, perhaps he should resign and let us elect someone a little more “up-to-date”.

  • Jeff

    I think it’s kind of refreshing to see a person in elected office who speaks his mind instead of succumbing to the soft tyranny of “political correctness”. His opinion is his opinion and he’s got a right to express it the same as anyone else has the right to do. If your beliefs are so weak as to require everyone to be in 100% agreement with you on everything, then too bad because it’s never going to be the case.

    If you don’t like that;

    A) Tough Toggees.
    B) Vote for someone else next time.
    C) Get over it.

    • Bingo. You nailed it. He indeed has the right to express his opinion. I (and anyone else) also have the right to express our opinion on what he says.

      He (and anyone else) does not have the right to immunity about what he chooses to say. A lot of people get confused about that 1st amendment. It says that the government shall make no laws infringing the right to free speech.

      I’ll go off the board and choose Option “D” – Express my own opinion.

  • Jeff

    I was actually directing my comments towards others on the board…options F and E.

    • Nicole

      I wasn’t suggesting that elected officials not express their opinions, I was pointing out that we are now in the times when your personal beliefs when expressed aloud tend to appear in the media somewhere and if you don’t want them out in the world then you need to learn to keep them private. Mr. Haymore may not care that his opinion on the subject is known but he may also have to suffer the consequences somewhere down the line since his job tends to put him in an awkward position particularly in regards to this topic.

  • Rachel Brachman

    It is his obligation to the citizens of Pittsylvania to perform his duties according to the law and without prejudice regardless of what his personal opinions may be. I bet he doesn’t mind those LGBT tax dollars that pay his salary. If he feels he is no longer able to perform his duties without bigotry, he needs to resign.

  • Chickn Dayne

    He may have his opinions, and express them in private and on his OWN TIME. As an elected official, he is to remain objective and keep his personal opinions to himself. How daft is it to utter such hatred for such a large segment of the populace that elected you and pay your salary? He is out of touch, politically incorrect, offensive, and should be subject to disciplinary action. His resignation would also eagerly be accepted. His mindset and “I’ll do what I want” attitude is what keeps the stereotype of the southern hick alive. So many public officials become complacent after a few years. They need to be reminded who they actually work for.

    • Lee Smallwood

      The interesting part is that Haymore has been reported to me to be an exceptional and diligent Clerk of the Circuit Court. Up until this, I have never heard anyone who has had a problem with him. I don’t know first hand due to the nature of my work being exclusively in Danville, but as a citizen of the County I do try to keep my ear to the ground about things.

  • Rachel Brachman

    Haymore has made a statement to a county citizen that he will contact the R&B and make a public apology. Let’s see if he is a man of his word.

  • Chuck

    These comments are ridiculous. If you don’t like Haymore, and think his comment disqualifies him as Clerk of Court, then get behind a candidate and run against him. That’s the way the system should work. It happens in every election for any office. So quit belly-aching and start your petition to get your alternative candidate on the ballot.

  • Chuck

    My comment is aimed at those talking about apologies and resignation and such nonsense. Haymore has defined himself on this issue, and that puts him way ahead of the politicians who wiggle and squirm to keep in the middle of the road. We have a great system in which voters can throw out any official they are displeased with. Haymore himself did that when he beat a long-serving incumbent by convincing voters he could serve them more effectively.

  • Chickn Dayne

    Haymore has openly exposed himself as a bigot. If he made these comments (expressed his opinion about any other group ganing EQUAL rights, he would be disciplined. IE: Interracial marriage. He needs to keep his opinions to himself as long as he serves a diverse populace. He works for those he offends…..not cool.

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