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Danville Utilities Investigated By Police

BOOM! We nailed this prediction. Now it’s time to tell you what we’ve found out about this scandal and give our readers the Inside Information.

Here’s the press release from the city…

The Danville Police Department is investigating the possible abuse of overtime pay and illegal use of company credit cards among certain work groups in the Danville Utilities Department. In addition, police are investigating possible improper activities involving contracts.

City Manager Joe King requested the investigation following an internal audit last fall that brought irregularities to his attention.

“Danville residents expect the best of city government and, as city manager, I give my full attention to ensuring that our team and our work product meet their expectations,” King said Monday. “When we fall short, we take action. When we identify problems, we work to solve them. We are accountable for everything that happens in this city government.”

To date, evidence uncovered by the investigation has led to three employee terminations and criminal charges filed against two of the three employees who were terminated.

“The investigation is far from over,” said King, who has informed City Council of the investigation.

Police are conducting their investigation in cooperation with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office.

“While I understand the desire for answers to the many questions that will be asked with regard to this matter, neither I nor any other municipal employee or official want to hinder the investigation by releasing additional information at this time. We will provide more detailed information at the appropriate time.”

Here’s what SouthsideCentral knows about this…

  • This may be an “investigation” as of now, but this timeclock fraud has definitely happened.
  • Tens of thousands of dollars have been charged to the department in fraudulent overtime.
  • The utilities worker who committed suicide in the Highland Burial Park was heavily involved in this scandal.
  • All of the employees fired so far had Ben Hairfield (the utilities worker who cut off the Director of Support Services husband’s electricity) as their supervisor.
  • This investigation is focusing on the metering and substation departments of Danville Utilities.

We’ve been working on this but had only given out hints until the police completed their investigation. Since the city has released their statement, they’ve opened the door for us to tell our viewers what we’ve found out.

We’ll have further updates as soon as we learn more about this developing scandal and investigation. Remember, you’re getting this Inside Information exclusively from SouthsideCentral!


21 comments to Danville Utilities Investigated By Police

  • judy

    Not shocked…the bills are astronomical….

    • This doesn’t have anything to do with the electric rates. That debacle came from an electric rate consultant that gave out horrible advice that the city went along with.

      • judy

        Regardless …do you agree with me about the electrical rates?

      • Harold Garrison

        Consultants, consultants, consultants!!!!! By the way, the Utilities Department has a consultant from OHIO under utility lines from the Brosville station, collecting samples of weeds for the purpose of recommending to the Utilities Dept.the best way of controlling said weeds. There are four things you can do about weeds: 1. let them grow 2. mow them 3. put a goat out there or 4. ROUND-UP. I do not know how much this consultant is charging the citizens of the city, I only know it is too much!

  • screwed and never been kissed...yet again

    Excellent work SC! Thanks for letting” we the people” know about this. Another case highlighting ” screwed and never been kissed” by Danville city government. The astronomical utility bills are mostly a result of continuing to fund the operation of the city government. We haven’t even seen the electric rate increase rate yet. That will be a whole other screwing…

  • Please make use of our extension agent for the way to remove weeds. His office is located in the city library He has contact with Virginia Tech and they should be able to help. Southern States sells the weed killer that is used along the roadside and railroads. Much cheaper I suspect that a consultant from Ohio who does not know our land or what grows here. Boo on you for wasting more tax dollars. Mr. Garrison knows the answer..

  • wanna know

    wasn’t there an employee who stole landscaping equipment as well?

  • Jerry

    In all seriousness, where is the accountability? I’m sure that this is some sort of “isolated” incident if you listen to city management. Sorry. I can think of at least 5 major incidents in the Utility Dep’t in the past year.

    • Ken

      Jerry, when accountability arrives to Direct the Departments, and the new Directors find out what is going on, the City Manager gets rid of them? Now you figure that one out because I can’t!

  • Nicole

    Let’s not forget that before this is all over the taxpayers will be paying for the investigation, the court cases, and the public defenders since these people won’t be able to afford an attorney of their own. And, I agree with Jerry this is not an isolated case, its just the one that got discovered. And, you know what, I wouldn’t mind a public apology from the City Manager and City Council for this debacle.

    • City Council has nothing to do with this. They don’t get involved with personnel issues.

      • Nicole

        I understand that it is a personnel issue but they are always telling us how rosy everything is and what a wonderful job everyone is doing and to not acknowledge that there are problems gives the impression they are hiding their heads in the sand. Of course this is a personnel issue but when the police and court system get involved and it is all over the media then someone in charge needs to at least acknowledge that mistakes were made and there are things being done to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Like it or not City Council is Santa Claus in charge of the elves so when the elves go rogue they can at least say “oops”.

  • a little perspective please

    wonder if this investigation can answer why some people have had payments simply disappear–and had to pay it again. it’s happened to me and to my father–wonder how many others?

  • danville utilities has many unhappy customers, im sure there is a super amount of fraud. i mean look at the crazy bills we get every month where is it all going?

  • Ken

    It seems to me that the oversight falls directly on the City Manager. He knew of the abuse as far back at January of 2012, was informed of the abuse, as well as threats being made by employees to the then Director of Utilities who was trying to eliminate the abuse, but he instead asked the Director to leave. Three separate Utility professionals have tried to straighten out the mess that the City Manager created while he was heading that department, and they were all released by the City Manager. The City Manager cannot use the excuse that he only recently became aware of the issues through an audit when he was informed almost three years ago of the situation. There were also several City Council members that were also made aware of the situation, but they too did not want to hear about it. What kind of “representative” government to you have in Danville? You should really ask how your utility accounts are being used, and for what purposes?

  • Sounder

    They’re going in. in the pockets of all the city demons involved. One day their dirt will truly be revealed. There’s a reason he’ll enlarges itself daily.

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