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Who’s going to be the new Danville School Superintendent?

The search for Danville’s new school superintendent unofficially begins today at 5:30 PM. The school board will hold its work session at the GW high school cafeteria and has asked for the public to comment on what they want to see in a new superintendent.

Let’s take a look at what’s going to happen.

Virginia law requires that a school system has to hire a superintendent with 180 days. 50+ of those days have already ticked off the clock because the school board said that they were focusing their efforts on getting the new school year started. Hiring a new superintendent isn’t an easy process, as the new hire has to be certified as a superintendent by the state. As you can imagine, that significantly limits the choices that the school board has.

I want to make this clear that the following is just my thoughts and conjecture.

I believe that current Pittsylvania County school superintendent will be the next Danville superintendent, and here’s why.

  • McDaniel is feeling the heat in Pittsylvania County for the first time over the controversy about teacher evaluations.
  • McDaniel has worked in the Danville school system before, and his proximity to Danville means that he’s already got a good handle on “how things work” here.
  • McDaniel would quickly fit in and have a very short learning curve (if any).
  • McDaniel only needs a few more years before he can retire.
  • McDaniel has an overall excellent history in education & administration.
  • This would be a perfect reason for the Danville school board to not be in a hurry with this 180-day state mandated clock running.

All of this is just circumstantial evidence, but I firmly believe something is already going on based on the above reasons. I’m confident enough that I’m putting a 70% chance on James McDaniel becoming the next Danville school superintendent. Now let’s talk about the other potential candidates.

Interim superintendent Kathy Osborne has some support from the teachers (with some petitions being circulated supporting her in the schools). She’s tough to read on whether she has any interest in the position. I’m going to ask her that directly tonight. She certainly knows the workings of the Danville school system, but she also knows that superintendent jobs tend to be temporary at best. She’s got a good job now and doesn’t have to deal with the pressure from the school board like a new superintendent does. I’d also think she’d be required to move closer to Danville if she got the job, and that’s another potential roadblock. Overall, I’m going to put her chances at 10%.

Two potential candidates are at the 0% level. Current Halifax County school superintendent has pretty much gotten past the recent community heat about her. She lives in Campbell County so she’d have to make some kind of move to work in Danville. That’s not going to happen. The Halifax County school board would be wise to extend her contract soon, because she’s doing a great job there. Mecklenburg County superintendent James Thornton just got his contract extended so he’s out too.

That leaves the “Field” bet at 20%. Ed Newsome came from the “field”, so it’s possible that could happen again.

The “community outrage” that was promised about the Ed Newsome departure never happened. It will be interesting to see if some people make any suggestions based on race tonight. We’ll have LIVE! coverage of tonight’s meeting starting at around 5:20 PM here on SouthsideCentral!








11 comments to Who’s going to be the new Danville School Superintendent?

  • David

    It is amazing how you always have a problem about anything that has to do with race, especially when it comes to the African American point if view…why is that Bruce?

    • Equal time! Seriously, I have a problem with hypocrisy. From all sides.

      I also have a pretty good memory and reminder calendar. I’m one of the few people who’s willing to call people out for failing to deliver what they promised.

  • Jerome Holman

    Whomever takes the realm has a “quiet storm” to further hush before he/she tackles issues as chief of DPS. Unlike Dr. Newsome, he will certainly have to dance to the board’s music and maintain a mutual agenda. The acrimony we’ve seen the past two years should be a learning tool for everyone that’s involved. Needlessly to say he/she will be fully vetted on every level, and I doubt if race will factor into this equation. Wish I could attend this meeting as I’m out of town. I’m sure SC will keep us posted. It’s a good thing to be able to read the news before having to wait the following day.

  • Lee Smallwood

    I think the black community is eagerly awaiting the new hire and is also waiting to see how that hire reaches out to the community. If it’s Osborne, I think you’ll see the outrage you are claiming hasn’t materialized. That would just smack of more of the same. I also think Osborne is the favorite, not McDaniel.

    I don’t think McDaniel is leaving. It just doesn’t read right to me, and I don’t think anybody who really matters (the Board) is upset with him in the slightest. I think he’ll retire from Pittsylvania County.

    My board would read 50% Osborne, 5% McDaniel, 45% field.

  • trevor

    would McDaniel make more money if he left the county? Nothing circulated around that McDaniel was pursuing DPS or was a finalist when Newsome got the job. I doubt he is interested. his wife works in the central office in HR. 0 % coming true

    • idkaidc

      Why should Butch jump from the frying pan into the fire?
      Money isn’t the issue.

      • trevor

        exactleee…he is in his element/zenith with PCS.

      • I don’t there would be any “fire” if he came to Danville.

        • Concerned

          Oblivious. No matter who is next, what race, gender, etc., somebody – public, board members, outraged community “leaders” – will start a fire. It is who we are….
          Should have been black… should have been new to the area (by the way, how did that combo work last time)… should have been local; somebody will carry the torch for the offended. Most people have their own agenda, and it’s not the best interest of the kids.

  • Centurian

    Going back in history Danville has faired better under superintendents who have been brought in from the outside. As to McDaniels wife working in HR it has no bearing and is not considered a violation if she was there before he is hired. If not McDaniel DEFINITELY outside blood is needed or DPS will continue on a downward spiral.

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