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Thumbs! (9/1/2014)

Well, it’s been a while and my Thumbs! were getting rusty. Nobody likes rusty Thumbs!

Here’s the guidelines. UP! = Good. DOWN! = Bad. Let’s bring on the Big Board…

  • Thumbs DOWN! to Danville City Council’s recent use of the “consent agenda”. I know that a consent agenda is used to quickly pass small things that usually have no controversy, and I’ve got no problem with that. However, a consent agenda also can be used to ramrod issues through the process quickly and quietly. In this coming Tuesday’s session, the city retiree bonus is on the consent agenda and that needs to have its own debate. If a member of council doesn’t pull it off this consent agenda, I will as a citizen. If the mayor and council think that the meetings are going too long, that’s just tough. I’ve spoken out before against attempts to limit back-and-forth debate. If this turns into a frequent way to FastForward council meetings at the expense of citizens not knowing what’s going on, it will need to stop.
  • Thumbs DOWN! to that damned pothole that’s already forming at the intersection of Main & Union Streets in downtown Danville. It took 84 years to complete the Main Street construction (remember when the Christmas Parade had to detour through Blairs?) and that intersection’s pretty little bricks are already crumbling? (yes, slight exaggerations for humor there, people)
  • Thumbs UP! to WDBJ’s Justin Ward. He’s moving up in their news department and will be leaving his Danville beat soon. Justin quickly learned his area and became the region’s best TV reporter just as quickly. We’re going to miss Justin and we wish him the best in his career.

Ah. My Thumbs! feel better now. More coming up on SouthsideCentral!






6 comments to Thumbs! (9/1/2014)

  • Gracie

    Yes we will miss Justin . He is a nose for news reporter. Great to see his stories on 7 the a few days later see them on other media sources (tv) that is . Go figure. He did cover a story for me this year that I have been trying to get the Danville paper to do for the past couple of years but the don’t seem to think it was news worthy . But Justin did !

  • Harold Garrison

    Agree on the consent agenda. City Council knows that there will be citizens wishing to speak on the retirees “bonus” and it should not be on the consent agenda. I also intend to make sure there is debate on the subject.

  • trevoe

    where I Justin wdbj going?

  • Fred Shanks

    I was surprised it was on the consent agenda, especially after at least two Council Members already stated that they would not support the Bonus. Everything on the Consent Agenda gets an up or down vote…of course it will be removed from the Consent Agenda, and as I noted earlier, the bonus will require 6 “ayes”, not just a majority.

  • Thanks for the Thumbs up Bruce! I’ll be around a few more weeks until new people are hired. Treat ’em nice!

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