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Shrimpfest RandomThoughts (& Photos)!

SouthsideCentral had an awesome time at Wednesday evening’s Shrimpfest at the Danville Community Market. The annual fundraiser for the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce was simply perfect. Let’s go over a few RandomThoughts about the event and add some bonus photos!

Let’s bring on a Shrimpfest Big Board:

  • I believe it’s the 534th time that I’ve said it, but the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce is amazing.
  • It’s hard to think that over 1750 people can fit into the Community Market area, but the event pulls it off with the main section at the front part of the building, the corporate section in the back and the food & entertainment outside. The perfect weather made that plan even better.
  • I had to laugh one of the comments on the original article that said the event took one day to sell out instead of the normal two hours. Um… that’s a great problem to have.
  • That comment also said people complained about the food. As I said there, if you’re worrying about the food then this isn’t the event for you. This type of event is to have fun and enjoy a great time. That being said, the food was amazing and plentiful.
  • Having table service done by the local Rotary clubs in the corporate section was a terrific idea. Whatever tips that they got went for their club’s activities.
  • Von Wellington is a great guy and his photography is one of the best in the area. Check out his Facebook page for more photos.
  • Brenda & Ken Bowman need to become band and concert promoters. Heh.
  • Shrimpfest moves to the top of my list when it comes to “premium” festivals. It’s well worth the ticket price.


That’s enough RandomThoughts about the Shrimpfest… let’s finish this off with some bonus photos from the event!

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5 comments to Shrimpfest RandomThoughts (& Photos)!

  • Lee Smallwood

    These photos actually nicely compliment the original ones and have reassured me that there was some minimal amount of demographic diversity in the crowd.

  • What I noticed was in all of the scores of faces that are in your pictures, only about a half a dozen were black.

    • Lee Smallwood

      That’s an improvement of about a half dozen over the initial photos. It’s pretty shocking, but it is enough to not make this appear to be a whites only event in the middle of a racially split city.

      • I’ll explain how the photos work. Anything you see during the LIVE! coverage is probably going to be from my Samsung Galaxy phone. I’m also taking photos from the camera, but I usually don’t carry my laptop around. I edit the camera photos and add them later. Phone photos are usually 800×450, and camera photos end up 800×600

        • Lee Smallwood

          Trust me I was not trying to imply you were doing anything other than taking what you felt to be interesting photos. The issue is definitely not that you happened to capture whatever photos you did just the pretty shocking makeup of the crowd.

          It is interesting to hear a bit about your process.

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