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Goodbye, Earl!

Technically, it’s “Welcome back, Earl!”, but the courts will say “Goodbye, Earl!” in a few months. So what really happened? By the way, WE CALLED IT!

Former supervisor Earl Womack indicted for embezzlement, theft

(See how easy it is to give credit, Tom McLaughlin?)  For reference, here’s where we predicted this.

Let’s have a Big Board of Earl Womack’s Halifax Hijinks…

  • Earl had access to the school system’s gas pumps and was having fun at taxpayers’ expense with that. Unfortunately for Earl, those gas pumps have security cameras monitoring them. Smile, Earl!
  • Earl wasn’t satisfied with his gas pump discount program. Earl also lined his pockets in some kind of scheme involving transportation system employees’ timesheets.
  • While all of this was going on, Earl ran for the county Board of Supervisors. Yep, he was having a good time while making voters think he was just a fine model citizen. He fooled those voters enough to get elected.
  • Oopsie. Earl realized that he had been caught so he “resigned” his school system transportation director position for “health and family concerns”. Riiiight. Earl had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar on the gas pumps.
  • Earl then resigned his elected Board of Supervisors seat but didn’t have the guts to make the statement himself. He got Bryant Claiborne to do it for him. Earl then played a nice race card by saying that a black person should get the seat. We jumped on Earl for that here at SouthsideCentral. Earl was ignored and the 2nd place finisher (Ray Owen) got the seat.
  • Earl took off to Florida and the case slowly, slowly, slowly made its way through the justice system and the indictments came back today.

Earl will be coming back to Halifax County from Florida very soon. We’ll see what happens once he makes his first court appearance.

18 comments to Goodbye, Earl!

  • Jerome Holman

    I read about these reprehensible actions of Mr. Womack, and quite frankly was upset, and disappointed this young professional man choose to further his riches, (stealing), in such an egregious manner. Having said that, it is no different from former Gov. Bob McDonnell getting caught, or Jesse Jackson Jr., or former congressman Mel Reynolds, or former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and the list goes on and on. Mr. Womack, too will have to face his soon to be broken family, his public that had trusted him, his namesake which is now utterly destroyed, and the courts who eventually will be sending him off to prison. Mr. Womack, just like the others will have earned every bit of punishment he has coming. Another more recent case involving Bob McDonnell, just like most, involved greed. But unlike you Mr. Hedrick, I reserve any indignation I may have for these men because it serves little purpose to gloat over any man who has fallen, be it black or white. Let me be clear what I’m about to say. Mediums report the news, and rightfully so. As a reader, I would prefer the writer to report, and use a little less vitriol in dialogue. You Mr. Hedrick appear at times to have a personal resentment, or dislike in some of your subjects. In this case, you repeatedly make racial overtures in your reporting. i.e, You seem to take a certain joy in the fall of this man, as you have others.

    • Any newspaper hack could (and has) told you that Earl Womack was indicted today. I told you what happened, unlike any newspaper hack.

      This isn’t a newspaper. It’s a fusion of news and opinion. As for the racial overtones, I didn’t fire that first shot. I called Womack out back when he made that ridiculous request. As for taking joy in the fall of this man, you’re damned right. Womack sold himself as a acceptable candidate with the desire to lead while doing his criminal acts behind the scenes. That’s a serious violation of the public trust and “He Gots To Go”.

  • Jerome Holman

    PAGE 2… But right now we’re discussing Mr. Womack, and his fallen life isn’t funny, or just some anecdotal news items you can toy with, and further, until he is found guilty, and his prison number replaces his name, he should be referred as Mr.Womack. After all, guilty or not, Mr.Womack is a grown man, and not a boy. Lastly, I commend you on your efforts in getting the story, and getting it right, however their are those of us who would prefer to read the story, and then reach our own conclusion as to whether we wish to allow room for contrition, or condemn to our hearts content, or, listen to your irresponsible diatribe and do a total character assassination with little regard to their families. Lastly, being familiar with what I’ve read concerning former Gov.Bob McDonnell, an ounce of compassion goes out to him, and his family. Unless his appeal is successful, he will have to go to jail, and I for one isn’t overjoyed with that prospect. But I am satisfied with the proper investigation, trial, and conviction.

  • Jerome Holman

    Bruce Hedrick,… I respect your opinion on it’s face value. Reason being I understand your right to run your Blog Site as you see fit, and further development of your own writing style. I recognize today’s readers are looking for more edginess in reporting, and frankly so do I. But please leave a little room for your readers imagination, and allow a little more margin for open and honest dialogue. In reading the recent School Board article, I wanted to get involved in that conversation, but it turned into several personal battles, which a blog isn’t suppose to be about. As you have said, it is a combination of news and opinion. It shouldn’t be about belittling your subject matter, nor making personal insensitive remarks. I believe SCC has the potential of becoming a viable medium, but you must think before you put people on blast. Example of the point I’m trying to make, I was offended by today’s article, and if you haven’t figured out why, then you most certainly will lose any black audience you’ve gained, and any decent minded reader for all that matter. I’m just sayin.

    • David L.

      I think Bruce has shown that he calls out anybody that uses any form of race to try to advance an agenda. I’ve found his blast style to be quite refreshing.

      • Jerome Holman

        David L… My reply is this. I’m hearing that you agree with SCC’s writing style, and believe the reporting to be generally fair and on a level field. Ok, I can respect that, yet I will say again I too agree that having a “Rush Limbaugh” style local medium is interesting, and can be enjoyable while exchanging points of view. But at the risk being labeled “too sensitive”, I for one as an African-American see a difference in the reporting. But the true test is.. I feel it. Just last week Bruce seemed apologetic in reporting Ferguson’s peaceful protest, & was lam-blasted for doing so. Others have also noticed and complained. But I’m not here to govern, nor censor. However if I’m going to continue my participation, I cannot be made to feel like I’m marching to a tune of Donald Sterling’s liking. Just like most, be it black or white, your inner-senses is what attracts, or repels you. In yesterday’s article, I was repulsed. Strangely, I rarely get this feeling from Rush Limbaugh. That is because Rush is considered by most to be a shock TV extremist, while making some good points, but mostly quackery. If this is in fact Bruce’s agenda for an audience, then I’m in the wrong place anyhow, and will act accordingly. But know that I joined SCC chiefly after reading it’s Mission Statement. The promises given are… fresh & new, opinions & humor, local/state/national/world features, various opinions, fun stuff & serious stuff, up to the minute, & LIVE.

        • Berkeley Bidgood

          He was villainized by the media and forced to sell an investment for speaking in the privacy of his own living room.If he had said it in public then he probably should have been corrected and punished as an owner of a team.This whole PC situation in this country has gotten so far out of control we all now have to be careful of what we say no matter where we are including our living rooms.As it is now we have now been shown that the first amendment is not as important as they founders of the country thought even if they did make it the FIRST amendment.FREEDOM of Speech.As it is now a few basketball players and a few high profile leaders can take someones rights away if they scream foul loud enough.So we all should have freedom of speech as long as we do not harm to others and our living rooms should never be invaded and used to harm us and what we say in them in private.Just my 2 cents worth.

        • Berkeley Bidgood

          Jerome the post are backwards sorry, this last comments starts under yours to David

  • Willa

    Yeah, whatever. Shady people who do shady things have to deal with the consequences, and that includes being fair game as a topic of conversation and criticism. If I got myself into something similar, I would expect no less from the public. The solution? Don’t be a dishonest asshole who takes advantage of the system and the public trust. It’s really that simple.

  • People of Halifax County trusted this man to represent them and he went and did this to a school system that’s having problems in lots of areas since the school administrator took her position. He had to have known there was a camera there as long as he’s worked in that position, how stupid do you have to be, you know they were going to catch you sooner or later. And about the board of supervisors Ray Owen will do a better job then you would ever have done. I’ve know Ray for years and he’s honest upstanding and will do this job to the best of his ability.

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    Jerome Holman, You mentioned Donald Sterling so lets look at that situation a little closer, The man has provided a huge pay check to many people for many years. None of them missed cashing them.It has been pretty common knowledge he has always been a little white minded so to speak. Now with that said, this is a man who was in the privacy of his own living room and talking to a girl he has had a relationship with.In the privacy of his own home he made a request of this girl and referred to the African American race as black people which used to be acceptable but apparently no longer is.Over time the way to refer to the African American population has changed and Sterling has seen many of those changes.He did not use the “N” word.A couple of high profile basketball players jumped on this and made a huge deal out of it to further their agenda of lets take the man down.Now again with that said lets remember Sterling was in the privacy of his own living room and was illegally recorded.What everyone and I mean everyone,black,white hispanic, and anyone else who believes in the constitution of the United states of America should be raising hell over is that his first amendment (Freedom of speech)was taken away from him.
    continued on next post

    • Lee Smallwood

      Free speech means the right to say what you want, not the right to say what you want without consequences. Take for example the Dixie Chicks. They had every right to say what they did about the President when they said it, but Clear Channel had every right to take their music off every one of its stations because it didn’t like what was said.

      Sterling was not illegally recorded. Though California is a two party recording state, it has not been seriously challenged that Sterling knew he was being recorded. He also did more than just express any old opinion. He went haywire over a social media website interaction between his mistress or girl or whatever she was and a famous black athlete. This isn’t over him saying black. It’s over how he flipped his lid because she interacted with a black former basketball star.

  • Jerome Holman

    Berkeley Bidgood, if you have full knowledge of the things Mr. Sterling has said during, and subsequent to the fallout, then do I understand you correctly in that you are in support of Donald Sterling?

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    I am in support of the Constitution of the United States of America which give all people Freedom of speech. I am not going to say wether I agree with or disagree with what he said because that just continues the race dialogue and i am not going there . I am simply saying he was in the privacy of his living room, he made a statement in the privacy of his living room and the rest is now history so to speak.

    • Jerome Holman

      Ok, I respect that Bidgood. And I agree even a closet bigot has his rights to free speech. So in light of what happened, I guess that’s why some things should only be said in a closet. Media can be found in everybody’s hip pocket these days, and it’s just isn’t smart getting caught on tape. But enough already, because frankly it’s going to take 2 more generations to get pass these issues.

      • Berkeley Bidgood

        Jerome, I hope you do not take offense to my feelin the constitution was minimized over this whole issue.I personally hope it only takes 2 more generations to get past this but I believe we both know that is probably wishful thinking on both of our parts. I believe we think in the same terms as far as this issue is concerned. Peace to you

        • Jerome Holman

          No offense taken whatsoever Bidgood. There are many who are blinded by years of hatred for various reasons, and on many levels. And there are those who inherited their bitterness, and doesn’t even understand why. When I look at my children, I see far less concerns over the color of another’s skin, and hopefully the trend continues with the next generation. However I’m almost certain at some point we’ll all come together and live in harmony. Danville is trying, but there are still a few too many who likes to stir things up. So maybe you’re right… it’ll take 3 generations.

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