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InsideCentral: On the semi-disabled list

Articles have been coming slowly over the last week here, and I wanted to tell you why.

Back in September 2013, I got attacked by fire ants. They stung my left ankle pretty bad and it hurt like hell.

Well, it ends up that I got a low-level case of cellulitis from the venom and it never developed into anything more than that, in fact the doctors completely missed it because it didn’t present itself at all. The fire ant wounds were very slow to heal because of that cellulitis.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Being the idiot that I am, I completely slammed my left shin into the trailer hitch on my vehicle. It was dark and I hit it hard. Lots of swelling, lost of bruising and lots of pain. Because I’m a guy, I keep pushing on through the pain. Yes, you can call me stupid now.

The trailer hitch hit ended up causing a deep bruise that turned into a large hematoma under the skin. Now, I’m going to the doctor and getting this fixed because it’s hurting so bad. I’m on the medicine needed to get rid of this problem once and for all.

Bottom line: I’ve got a busted up leg and getting medical treatment for it. I haven’t felt like moving much at all and SouthsideCentral has suffered because of that. That was wrong and I apologize. I’ve been cleared to do limited work and told “Don’t do anything stupid”.

Let’s get SouthsideCentral back rolling to full speed, folks. Danville City Council LIVE! tonight and we’ll go from there.


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