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Thumbs! (9/18/2014)

Let’s get those Thumbs! working…

A Thumbs! Big Board is approaching…

  • Thumbs UP! to Danville City Council for immediately recognizing and trying to help out Madison Whittle with his zoning snafu at Tuesday’s meeting. It’s a shame that the laws don’t give the council the chance to immediately order a fix to a bad situation.
  • Thumbs UP! to the River District Festival for showing signs of life by (finally) announcing their headline music act. There’s signs of life there after all.

It’s political season time. Here comes the inevitable Thumbs DOWN!

  • This may cause some gasps, but Thumbs DOWN! to Halifax County Sheriff Fred Clark for endorsing and allowing his name to be used in a press release for US Senator Mark Warner. Sheriff Fred Clark is a constitutional officer and ran as an independent. If you’re not going to run under a political party, you should stay that way through your entire term of office. The office of Halifax County Sheriff has its own internal politics already, and adding a political party preference is simply the wrong thing to do. I believe that Sheriff Fred Clark should withdraw that nomination because party politics have no business in the Halifax County Sheriff’s Office. Fred Clark as a person (Not as a elected constitutional officer who ran as an independent) is welcome to make any endorsements he chooses. (Reporter’s note: Sheriff Fred Clark and Captain David Martin did not return my calls for comment on this matter.)
  • Thumbs DOWN! to the perfectly legal bad and sadly wrong conspiracy going on to punish Sandra Gilstrap. She’s a perfect candidate for the Danville General District Court vacant judgeship and was the leading candidate for the job… until our local Republican legislative delegation yanked their support because of her father-in-law John Gilstrap’s non-support of Frank Ruff’s “tar baby” comment. Bill Stanley & Frank Ruff are now supporting Allen Dudley who lives 60 miles away. Oh yeah, Allen Dudley is the son of former delegate A.J. Dudley. This is pure nasty political payback and our state senators should be ashamed of themselves. Let me be perfectly clear. Thumbs DOWN! DOWN! and DOWN!

I love political season. I also hate political season. That’s the Thumbs! for now. More coming up on SouthsideCentral…


3 comments to Thumbs! (9/18/2014)

  • Lee Smallwood

    Just FYI, AJ Dudley is the son of Allen Dudley, and AJ is the one who might be the judge. I don’t know AJ. I do know Sandra and give her my full support. As an attorney who appears in front of this court, I will embrace with a completely open mind whoever the judge turns out to be. I have seen a few judges come onto the bench now, and I do appreciate that in every situation so far the attorney who has become a judge has taken the responsibility very seriously and has tried to do what is right. I can’t ask for more from any person who becomes judge.

    There is also another development. Long time Senior Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Bob Adams was interviewed. He would also ably administrate the General District Court. Long time Commonwealth’s Attorney Joan Ziglar was also interviewed (though I think she’s living in Martinsville still…she’d have to move). I do not know her well but have pleasantly interacted with her a bit since she was hired in Danville about a month ago. The four attorneys are the candidates for the job who were interviewed yesterday. We should know tomorrow how it plays out.

    As far as the endorsement, I don’t think running as a Democrat, Republican, or independent means you cannot make an endorsement. In fact, I think endorsements from Independents and across partisan lines are particularly powerful. The question of the use of the elected office title in the endorsement to me is one that should remain consistent. If Senator Stanley wants to endorse someone for President, he should get to use or not use his title the same no matter who he might want to endorse. The same should go for Michael Newman, who ran as I recall it as an independent. What’s good for some should be good for all when it comes to the use of titles.

  • And the good ole boy network goes on and on and on and on and on ….

  • Jerome Holman

    No reflection on any previous reply, but good job on today’s commentary. Right or wrong, it was professionally done and I applaud that. Also, I have been meaning to say I wish you well in your recovery.

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