There were some questions about the much lower disciplinary referral rate for this school year so far compared to last year.
Let’s do a NumbersCentral and look at the report given to the school board last night…
Here you go…
NumbersCentral: Danville School Discipline CasesThere were some questions about the much lower disciplinary referral rate for this school year so far compared to last year. Let’s do a NumbersCentral and look at the report given to the school board last night…
Here you go…
13 comments to NumbersCentral: Danville School Discipline CasesLeave a Reply to SouthsideCentralCancel reply |
Did anyone offer an explanation for that elementary school jump?
Yes. Bus violation and 3 kids with about 10 violations each.
Figures don’t lie. Liars figure.
You are not much of a reporter if you accept what they hand you on a piece of paper.
If you spent fifteen minutes on a hallway you would witness more infractions than reported.
Your statement is generic crap. I haven’t said that I accept it. I said I have nothing to factcheck it against.
If you give me something specific to factcheck, we’ve got something to play with.
Without that, you got nothing.
A true reporter gets the facts. A fact checker verifies the facts. You want someone to do the work for you. You are being told there are problems . Go into the hallways, report what you see. Get your own facts don’t rely on the system.
Exactly how is he supposed to do this? I don’t think any random adult w/o a kid in the school system can just stand and the halls and watch and report. I think he needs a teacher to tell him about specific incidents and then he can try to run them down. He’s a good reporter, but he can’t break the law and just stand in school hallways.
Yet they refuse to see that one therapeutic counseling provider can not handle all the needs in schools and allow other providers in to help support these kids that are screaming on the inside and showing behaviors for help!!!!
You can’t fact check what is not recorded. Discipline referrals are submitted but principals choose the one’s to act on. All referrals do not follow procedure, most of them go in the trash can. The referrals are three carbon copy, ask teachers how many of the “teacher copy” referrals do they get back detailing what action was taken by the principal. One teacher kept a list of the 9 referrals he wrote last year and never received any feedback or “teacher copy” of the referrals. Cheating, texting in class and disrespectful behavior were just a few. DPS has become the “elephant in the room” and no one wants to address the real problem which is the lack of leadership from the school board to the central office and finally the “building administrators.
Now that’s something specific that I can check on. Thanks.
Referrals are not received very fondly by administrators. The tardy policy is out the window, in the courtyard with the squirrel s . It s nuts. Generally speaking, discipline is extinct. Therefore, less referrals, better numbers. These are facts–check them out.
By the way, my generic crap is telling you like it is . I give you fact. You are either a fact checker or a bull crapper.
Have you checked the facts?
You will probably ask the pretending super. I can guess what you will get.
I don’t dance to your tune. You haven’t given me any facts.
I can only speak for GW-there is a change taking place. It is my understanding that the front office is allowing them to do what they need to do. They are “enforcing” policy-something I have not seen done in 3 years my student has been there. They are getting students out of the hallways which was a huge problem as many wandered around in the halls going into class very late. While there are those still pushing that-many are getting busted and paying the price. School administrators are stepping up and trying to take control. It won’t come over night but if they keep it up-it will come and students those who’s parents care-will shape up. Oh, and Jerry, I don’t think it would be hard for Bruce to go in the front door of GW and just stand there looking around for a little while.