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I’m buying the Sutherlin Mansion!

And you can too! Just send Joe King an email today!

Offer made to buy Sutherlin Mansion, but it’s not for sale

(Register & Bee link, paywall may apply unless you break through it)

Great! I’ve just sent an email offering to buy the JTI Fountain. I will be hiring 300 people at an average salary of $35,000 per year so I can get at least a few million in Free Government Money to get me to a country that doesn’t extradite help me start my business. Since my business is located in the River District, that’s another $400K that I can shake out of somebody.

Anyway, let’s get serious. A quick search of Florida records doesn’t show any active “Miranda Realty” companies and no “B. Miranda” working for anything like it. I strongly suggest that everybody start making unsolicited offers to buy city property that’s not for sale. Soon, we’ll have the Register & Bee up to 16 pages again!

Hey, wait a second. Maybe it wasn’t “B. Miranda”… maybe it was “C. Miranda”

Well, it was a fruity idea…

4 comments to I’m buying the Sutherlin Mansion!

  • Lee Smallwood

    Maybe it was Miranda v. Arizona. Register Bee, you have the right to remain silent. You have the right not to print articles about what may well be crank emails from people who don’t seem to exist based upon the information you could fact check in about a minute online….

  • Lee Smallwood

    Oh and it really would be something if it turned out that Brad Mainland was the one who wanted to buy the mansion.

  • Do you think the powers that BE have learned their lesson?

    The next phrase of the scheme may be to set up the business, meet all the goals get all the money run for a two, three, four or fivve years. Then look for another city/county to do the same. They close up shop, gone again for more money somewhere else.. It has happened.

    • Lee Smallwood

      That’s why having good goals in place is important. If a company that gets a million bucks has to employ 150 workers it has to train over the course of four years, moving the company to California means getting rid of reliable and well trained employees. Now of course moving the company from Danville to Caswell County does not. That’s just a risk. It’s also the way Danville poached the pasta sauce company from North Carolina, so they shouldn’t be too shocked by it.

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