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RandomThoughts! (10/23/2014)

The name says it all. Any questions?

Random Thoughts on a Big Board. Who could ask for more?

  • So a friend went to the McDonald’s by the Danville airport and the parking lot was completely dark at 7:20 PM. She asked the manager on duty about it because it’s a safety hazard. The answer? “We’re waiting to get the key for the lights.” Yes, apparently the controls for the lights are locked up and nobody has a key.
  • Danville City Council has earned that pay raise by sitting through the speakers on the Confederate flag issue.
  • Has everybody completely forgotten about the Danville school system’s superintendent job search?
  • Sooner or later, I’m going to repeat a RandomThought.
  • HEY MARTHA RAMEY! Thanks for the kind words! You’re awesome.
  • Does anybody eat at Miyako’s? I rarely see any cars in their parking lot.
  • Speaking of that area, I haven’t been to Long River in over 10 years.
  • Still speaking of that area, does anybody order food at the Dairy Queen?
  • Even more speaking of that area, there’s nothing left in that area to speak about.

Since I’ve got nothing left to talk (or think) about, I’ll end this lame RandomThoughts! article now. Heh.



6 comments to RandomThoughts! (10/23/2014)

  • Blueridge

    I like Random Thoughts, and it is good to know that other people are entertaining them as well. I was amused by a few when I took some large diesel containers in for refilling today, and a big SUV was at the diesel pump…the guy was shivering, the whole time he was refilling his tank–and it was a very big tank, apparently. When he finished, he fished out the cap, secured it, and fumbled for his keys. He found the right key and tried to insert it into the diesel cap, to prevent someone from siphoning out his diesel. Upside down would not work. He conquered the locking cap, and shut the fuel door. Then, shivering, he went to open his door, but he had locked himself out with the fancy door code. He re-entered the numbers until he could get back in.

    My random thoughts were something like this…1. Poor guy…did not know it was going to be this cool, apparently…2. yet, he has given thought to driving a diesel car…3. however, it is a big SUV sucker, so there goes economy and small carbon footprints…4. you have a locking gascap? Really? 5. no one wants to siphon your diesel, probably, although it could fuel a 747…6. and now, you cannot get into your luxury car, because the locking code won’t let you in.

    One of us is overthinking this situation…perhaps it is I. I hope the gentleman’s day got a lot better…and, we had all better remember our coats, from here on out. Short sleeve weather is about over.

  • Andrew

    I’d like to argue that Dan River Church is certainly “something” in that area to speak about. Growing at an astounding rate.

  • Rachel

    We occasionally go by Dairy Queen for the 89 cent hotdog special on Sundays and Wednesdays. Beef hotdogs with everything for 89 cents is a pretty darn good deal!

    • Lee Smallwood

      If they’d knock out that former second drive through for space to add some deep fryers, that would sound pretty good. Hot dogs and chips? Nah.

      Why no love for the Los Tres, the least of the area Mexican joints, Bruce?

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