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Thumbs! (10/26/2014)

We’ve got Thumbs! And they’re not stuck up our…

…aspirin bottles. What did you think I was going to say? Anyway for our new readers, UP! is good and DOWN! is bad.

Let’s bring out a brand new Big Board!

  • Thumbs UP! to the Danville chapter of the Blue Knights motorcycle club for putting on their annual bike ride and toy run. I’ve always got high praise for club president Keith Johnson and the other members of law enforcement that ride in the club. There’s nothing but goodness in their hearts and they really do a great job in helping needy kids during the holidays.
  • Thumbs UP! to Alonzo Jones and John Gilstrap for those completely unsolicited shameless plugs for SouthsideCentral during Tuesday’s Danville City Council meeting. Even though we’re now looking for advertisers here, it’s great to get some free advertising anytime I can get it. Heh. See what I did there? I turned a shameless plug into a more shameless plug.
  • Finally, Thumbs DOWN! to whoever is programming Danville’s JTI Fountain. Come on, we know that the fountain can do lots of fancy things like change colors not-stop and adjust the water jets up and down. It could be that something has gone wrong with the control box, but we can do better than All Purple All the Time. This Thumbs DOWN! is not saying anything about soap bubbles, of course.

Don’t even think about it, people. Heh. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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