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UPDATED: Vault door falls on woman

UPDATE: Sadly, the victim has died. The press release covering that is now in the article

This statement is  just in from South Boston Town Manager Tim Wilson…

UPDATE: Here’s the press release on the death of the victim.

In the early morning hours of Friday, October 31, 2014 Mrs. Sharon Nelson, Accounts Payable Specialist with the Town of South Boston, Virginia, died at Duke University Medical Center from injuries she sustained in a tragic accident at South Boston Town Hall on October 28, 2014. Mrs. Nelson was an eleven year employee of the Town, without fail was always the complete professional providing exemplary service to the citizens of South Boston, and was a cherished friend and inspiration to those fortunate to have had the opportunity to know and work with her. Her passing is a tremendous loss for all and the South Boston Town Council and Town staff express their deepest sympathy, keeping the Nelson family in our thoughts in prayers.

Tuesday October 28th – 12:30PM:

This morning there was a terrible accident in the South Boston Town Hall Finance Office involving Mrs. Sharon Nelson, Accounts Payable Specialist.   Upon opening the vault door, for reasons not yet known but under investigation, the door disconnected from the hinges falling upon Mrs. Nelson who sustained critical injuries in the accident.  Immediate response  by the South Boston Fire and Police Departments resulted in freeing Mrs. Nelson from being pinned under by the vault door.  She was transported to Halifax Regional Hospital, and due to the extent and nature of her injuries she was air transported to Duke University Medical Center.   An investigation into the accident is ongoing.   Town Hall is closed for the day.  Offices are expected to reopen at normal hours on Wednesday.   Thoughts and prayers from the Council and town staff are with Sharon and her family.

We’ll be monitoring this story for any updates.


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