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InsideCentral: Big Thursday!

We’ve got two LIVE! events coming up on Thursday, so let’s tell you about what’s coming up.

On Thursday, Danville City Council and the Danville Industrial Development Authority will take a tour of Downtown Lynchburg and look at their redevelopment efforts. SouthsideCentral will be on the bus and we’ll give you exclusive LIVE! coverage throughout the day. The bus leaves around 12:30 PM and we’ll be back in town about 9:00 PM.

And since my leg is doing terrific, I’m going to head to City Hall the old fashioned way… walking! Yep, it’s about 1.5 miles from my house to there and I’m going to enjoy a good exercise getting there and back. I’ve been doing more exercise every day, and this will be a fun way for you to see sights from the road level.

So we’re planning on having two LIVE! articles tomorrow, my walking journey (which really isn’t a big deal) and the way more interesting exclusive LIVE! coverage of the trip to Lynchburg.

Be sure to refresh those articles’ pages often throughout the day for the latest photos, happenings and commentary. You’ll find coverage like this only on SouthsideCentral… and I appreciate you reading the site!

Technical note: I’ll do the WalkingThoughts! article tonight because I realized that walking around city streets while writing an article was an unsafe and stupid idea.

10 comments to InsideCentral: Big Thursday!

  • LookBeyondSmall

    That is a long time to be in Lynchburg to look at their development efforts. Must be some wining and dining going on too! Lynchburg has many college students which should provide potential shoppers to keep business in business. These colleges are growing and providing jobs which help the economy. Look at all the shops and eating establishments around the College area. We don’t have the same situation. Danville is in need of living wage jobs, we need money to be able to support the businesses the River District are bringing to town. It is simple, you can bring all the small shops, artsy places, restaurants to the District that you want to, but, if the people do not have money to go to them, they cannot survive. I want to go to these places, I can’t afford too! While I applaud efforts and agree that the River District is showing great improvement in the way it looks, we must have a City Council that will work to bring larger companies to town. Traveling to Lynchburg won’t do this. If we provide “living” wage jobs, and bring bigger business to town, the shops,restaurants and entertainment will follow close behind!
    I suspect that most of the people on this bus have been to Lynchburg many times and have seen its growth. So much so that I wonder why they are not using technology to get together to talk about and discuss their efforts verses traveling to do this. We promote out technology “readiness” but we don’t use it as it can be used. Of course, when you are campaigning for re-election a picture on a bus traveling for us will make a great Facebook post or a poster. Just my random thoughts being expressed. I just feel so frustrated, as I am sure that others do too. I want Danville to grow, I also want to earn enough money that I can provide for myself. Bruce, let us know how much this cost us. Be careful walking home tonight Bruce or we might be reading about you!

    • Jeff

      Would you please define what you mean by “living wage”!? If someone does not have a so called “living wage” are they not living? Getting a living wage is easy – get an education or get skills. Then go to a place that needs what you have to offer. Don’t look to government – or your neighbor’s pocket. Look in the mirror!

  • Gracie

    They need to visit Mill Ridge Development center. It is a place where small businesses start and after they feel they have a leg up the move out to bigger and better things. That is an interesting concept. Very nice place. It is off of graves mill road.

  • RealWorldLiver

    My gosh Jeff! There are plenty of people out here with a good education and do not make good wages. Some people are barely getting by! Many people have college education and are working in job not related to it because the jobs are not here. Wages are very low here. Why do you assume that people who want a decent “living” wage are looking to the government or to other people. Education and skills does not mean your employer will pay you what they should pay you. Salaries are stagnate while the cost for food and other items are increasing. I don’t know what world you live it but our is not perfect and it is not like yours. Shame on you for believing that only uneducated people make a wage they cannot support their family on.

    • Jeff

      Okay, point by point….
      If someone is not making a good wage with their education, is it truly a “good education”?
      “Many people have (a) college education and are working in (a) job not related to it because the jobs are not here.” Okay, then they should make the personal decision to move to where they can use their education. Or, they made a bad decision with their course of study.
      “Why do you assume that people who want a decent ‘living’ wage are looking to the government…” For heaven’s sake, you posted your comments in an article about city government.

      • Jeff

        “Education and skills does (do) not mean your employer will pay you what they should pay you.” Then go find a higher paying job! No employer is holding you hostage. An employer must pay a competitive wage or go out of business – it’s that simple.

        Did I say my world is perfect? My world is practical and fortunately I live in a country where I can choose what to study, what skills to acquire, where to live, and when to leave and find new work. In other words, my destiny is a product of my choices in life.

        • Jeff

          Did I say that “only uneducated people make a wage that they cannot support their family on”? Shame on me?? Guess you did not read what I said… You can be a dropout and make a good living if you have gained skills. People who have dropped out of school do it all the time…. Ben Franklin, Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Mark Zukerburg, Steve Jobs, Charles Dickens, Wolfgang Puck – do I need to continue….

          Sorry Southside Central for the long response….

  • Jeff B.

    I should like to point out that the “Jeff” pointing above is not me even though my name is Jeff. So to avoid confusion, I will now only post as Jeff B.

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