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Thumbs! (11/12/2014)

I’ve got Thumbs! and they’re only going UP! Don’t look so surprised.

Seriously. All UP! today. Big Board!

  • Thumbs UP! to Paulette Dean and the Danville Area Humane Society. They came under fire from a group of malcontents on Facebook yesterday for no legitimate reason at all. I’m going to say this very clearly. Paulette Dean is an amazing person who sincerely cares about all animals. Her goal is to only want the best for all animals. If you get to know her, you will quickly see her passion for her “pet” cause. She’s got the proverbial “heart of gold” while being firm enough to make decisions that won’t please everybody. Paulette Dean and the DAHS organization have my full support.
  • Thumbs UP! to James Buckner for spearheading the “No-Shave November” fundraising promotion for the Danville Cancer Association. It’s a great idea for a great cause. For more information on how you can help the Danville Cancer Association, check out their website.
  • Thumbs UP! to Bryant Hood. Bryant Hood Gets It. Under his leadership, he turned the troubled “The Boulevard” into a very respectable “Continental Ballroom”. He used his expertise in the entertainment field to book big name recording acts for the club while he worked with law enforcement to eliminate the problems that were there when he started. Hood’s “Stayhood Enterprises” business ventures have always been highly respectable, and now he’s taking over the former location of the Union Street Theatre. He’s turned this into “The Hue” and his plans are to make it into a multicultural  venue for all types of arts and entertainment. Bryant Hood doesn’t dwell on the problems of the past. He looks to the potential of the future.
  • Thumbs UP! to the South Boston Running Club. They’re a fun group of people give back to the community while getting their exercise in. They’re putting on the “Mrs. Conner’s 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run/ Walk” at 8 AM on Thanksgiving morning. The cost to run (or walk) is two canned or boxed non-perishable food items. They’ll donate then to Serving Hope, the local food bank. It’s a great way to have fun, help the food bank and to celebrate the life and memories of Elizabeth Conner.

One Thumb, two Thumbs, three Thumbs, four! All of them UP! We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral.


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