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QuickHits! (11/16/2014)

There stories caught my eyes recently. They’re Hits and I’ll go over them Quick! That’s how the article gets its name, you see.

Quickly! To the Big Board!

Five Quickhits! today instead of the normal four. Consider yourself special.

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!



5 comments to QuickHits! (11/16/2014)

  • Amie

    Dan always hits it out the park and on this one….he hit it further!
    I’ll just have to wait and see about the 300+ jobs promised in Appomattox. I guess they chose that area since Danville has pretty much ‘bacco’ed out of free money” for anyone wanting a handout. I’ll take 1.17 from the Tobacco Region Opportunity Fund any day…..and I assume that’s the same as the Tobacco Commission….but it could be a leg from it so who knows.
    And while on that subject….what’s the ‘real story’ on the Wheel place (story in the DR&B today, Sunday not happening)? I’m guessing….’ain’t gonna happen is it? But they got money and ran with it.
    Tobacco funds have been totally wasted. ALL that money should have gone to the farmers and NOT to a commission that has just thrown it away with a few fellows a the top getting rich off it. And to those that say….well the farmers have thrown it away too….that would have been their right since they earned it and could spend it on what they wanted….not for a political palace.

    • idkaidc

      We have the advanced learning research Centre to get us out of this mess.
      Just wait 10 years and we will have thousands of new jobs.

      Too bad we didn’t have the ALRC 10 years ago.

      • BB

        We did have the Institute ten years ago and it’s done nothing but throw away millions of our dollars. And no one seems to care!

        • idkaidc

          I know we had the institute 10 years ago, my tone didn’t come through on my post.

          Now we have the river district that will solve our problems.

          Remember when we got the mall?

          Coleman market?
          the river district?
          The walking trail?

          Remember when mayor Saunders was fair and balanced?

          This is the answer for danville?

          The re is no vision any more.

  • safesession

    Appears the constantly bragged about “Chinese stratetgy” is dead. That was allot of wasted time.

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