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Danville Airport Commission – LIVE! (12/9/2014)

Editor’s Note: This article is now complete.

Last month, we didn’t have enough Airport Commissioners present to have a meeting. So, we’ll try it again today! Be sure to refresh the page for the latest happenings, photos and commentary. We’ll add more in the editing process later on.

We’re going have a meeting today.

The Runway 02/20 project continues. Some flight checks failed, so the airport was reimbursed by the engineering firms. The tests will be rerun in early 2015.

The airport commission is working on the updated rules of operation for the airport. That’s things like what can be stored in the hangers, rules for the tenants.

A committee of three has been formed so that they can hold a meeting regarding the airport rules. Sadly, they can’t get three people to volunteer for that. Seriously.

Everybody at the back end of the table is remaining very quiet.

That’s Helm Dobbins on the table at the back.

That committee is made moot as they decided to hold a public meeting instead.

The airport wants to put a storage building beside the closed runway 24. A few airplanes have landed on that closed runway due to pilot errors. One person asks how many and Airport Director Marc Adelman says he doesn’t know. Um. You’ve got two people in the room that DO know that answer (Libby Rembold and Richard Bailey) so why not ask them? Fooey.

The secondary airport runway has cracks that have been sealed.

Note: The red mark is from a laser pointer.

Airport Director Marc Adelman demonstrates how easy it is for runway materials to break apart.

The rehabilitation of this runway is in the city’s capital improvement plan for 2016.

The meeting moves to closed session and we’re done. You can learn a lot about Danville Regional Airport by sitting in on these meetings.

More coming up on SouthsideCentral!

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