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God Hates Drags

To be more specific, Drag Queen Shows. So says a few letter writers.

So there’s a female impersonator show coming to the Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex on Friday night. Whoopee. Not my cup of tea, but more power to them. Free enterprise. Business. That kind of thing.

But wait! Others have different opinions! Let’s take a look at a Star-Tribune Letter to the Editor…

Christians shouldn’t patronize event

Well, all righty then. I love the way he described the event without actually describing the event.

At the end of the week of Dec. 7, a very significant entertainment event is planned for the center two miles north of the town of Chatham on Route 29.

It takes the skills of a White House Press Secretary to do that, folks. But wait, there’s more. There’s another Letter to the Editor in the Chatham Star Tribune. Get ready, the Crazy Train is getting ready to derail.

You can’t have it both ways

This one has more WRONGs than a Leonard Harville “report”. Let’s start off with…

Why the county would allow this kind of entertainment (If that’s what you call it.) to be shown is beyond me.

That would be because the county has no damned authority nor business regulating a perfectly legal entertainment event. If they tried it, they’d get their ass sued off.

Not too long ago the supervisors had a store close down for selling material that was described by them as pornographic.

They had it closed down before they had to completely backtrack because they were about to get their ass sued off. See the comparison?

What about all the money that has been spent in the past to allow prayer at the supervisors’ meeting? That is money well spent.

No. It’s not money well spent. It’s money (and time) that could have been well spent solving REAL PROBLEMS! You know like getting a real economic development office back after that Board of Dysfunctional Supervisors (Jessie Barksdale & Brenda Bowman not included in that) crippled the county by getting rid of Ken Bowman just to get even with Brenda Bowman. But I digress…

If you want to see a 2 hour show of female impersonators, have at it. Pittsylvania County already tried to invoke Godliness by legislating morality and it blew up in their face. This show will go on, and deservedly so.


4 comments to God Hates Drags

  • Sheila

    Come on Bruce, have you not been to Myrtle Beach and seen the same type of show that has been there for many years? It is wonderful! My mother and I saw a terrific show there. I did not know about this show was coming so close. I must find out more and see about getting ticket. May I suggest you go to. If they are as good as the impersonators there it will be great fun-talent is talent. They don’t turn the audience into drag queens, they are there to entertain. Since when is watching entertainers a sin? The letter writer should find some real sin, I am sure there is plenty for them to find there.

  • Sheila

    LOL! If I do get to go I will let you know and will see you there-but-I am poor as no raise in a long time and you are press who probably could get in free…I just thought of that…you go as press and you can buy my ticket 😉 You know about the one at the Back Door Deli on 12/19? I have never even been in there.

  • Careful Careful !! Must be hard for people to be so closed minded LOL

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