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LeonardWatch: Mall Madness

Leonard could be correct about this one. Yeah, right.

Let’s take a look at what one of our readers sent in today…











Let’s do a factcheck on this one. I checked in with mall management and the Danville Police Department. The judges are ready with their rating. Judges?

Wow. Didn’t see that one coming. Let’s find out the truth.

A woman called the police department because a man pulled his car in next to her and told her that she had hit his car. The woman told the man that she didn’t and then the man drove off. The police investigation was done in about three minutes when the officer arrived and told the woman that he saw no evidence of a collision and no paint transfer. The responding officer didn’t even file a police report. The End.

As usual, Leonard tries to scare people in trying to be popular. There were no “SCAM ARTISTS IN THE NUMBERS” in the Danville Mall parking lot today. Leonard is right (Yes, I said that) about “BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS” but he doesn’t have to use ridiculous claims to YELL THAT POINT ACROSS. It would be nice (and responsible) if he’d do his own factchecking with the police department before he publishes what he hears over the police scanner, but we know that’s never going to happen.

Danville Mall is one of the safest places to go thanks to their own security team and the Danville Police Department. We’ll rate that statement as “TRUE”.

By the way, Leonard hasn’t sued me yet despite his LEGAL COUNSEL THAT HAS AGREED TO TAKE ME TO COURT.


5 comments to LeonardWatch: Mall Madness

  • Melissa Davis

    I was poofed because of language I used on my own page that he in turn must have liked because he said it showed on his page and he received complaints about it! Well first its freedom of speech and he must have liked the language I was using because he pushed the like button. Like I told him I dont care poof me all day long I could care less! I see why people dislike him so much now..

  • Scott

    It seems that the real “danger” would be to be in the vicinity of Mr. Horrorville. Apparently he likes to create danger and mayhem and I suppose anyone could potentially be brought in to those fantasies.

  • Jeff

    Did he really post that in “Comics San Serif” font? That isn’t very good type-face for a serious news article.

  • Donald Freeman - aka Leonard's BFF

    Leonard, any idiot can listen to a scanner and race to an address
    It takes common sense to understand what is actually going on…something you don’t have.
    It also takes a level of professionalism…..something else you don’t have

    Why don’t you just stop being skooter vigilante and let the big boys handle it?
    Keep your old butt at home Leonard and do something useful
    like maybe…learn what genuine Windows licensing is…. 🙂


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