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SouthsideSeven: Andy Rice

Halifax County’s Andy Rice is going to be directing Halifax County Little Theatre‘s spring production! Let’s sit him down in the SouthsideSeven chair.

He’s been behind the stage. He’s been in front of the stage. He’s been on the stage. He’s done it all. Let’s get to the questions!

Zero down, SouthsideSeven to go…

SouthsideOne: Who are you? Tell me about you.

My name is Andy Rice. I was born and raised in South Boston. I’m 45 years old, married, and have one daughter, two dogs and two cats.

SouthsideTwo: How did you get started in HCLT?

My first formal involvement with HCLT was with To Kill A Mockingbird in 2009(?). A friend asked me to audition and I reluctantly agreed. I played Mr. Cunningham and had a blast on the production. Even with all of the controversy, the show was great and the cast became a real family. It was the beginning of a great journey.

SouthsideThree: What productions and people have influenced you?

I have been influenced by so many shows. If a show makes you think, laugh or cry, then it has influenced my life. A few of my favorite shows have been RENT, Wicked, Little Shop of Horrors, The Rocky Horror Show, Les Miserables and many others. Broadway performers are some of the most talented people on the planet. They sing their shows live (REALLY LIVE: no auto-tune, no backing track) 8 times a week. It’s them, a mic, and the audience. Performances are honest by default.

Many of my local theatre friends have inspired me. I love working with them all. Chris Jones has taught me so much about theatre and has become one of my best friends. Becky Donner’s knowledge of the theatrical process and how to successfully produce a show continually amaze me. Sandy Slayton is the most organized and diplomatic person I know.

SouthsideFour: Tell us about the spring HCLT play that you’re directing?

I’m directing “25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”. It’s a hilarious musical comedy. It tells the story of six middle schoolers on their quest to will the county bee and move on to the national competition. They are all played by young adults, which just adds to the humor. The characters are all over the top. Envelopes are pushed! They are competitive, yet they realize that they understand each other more than any of the adults in their lives.

The show is considered to be ‘sung through,’ meaning that there is very little spoken dialog. The music is incredible and requires talented singers to pull it off. We will also have a live orchestra for this show, which is always a great touch.

It is considered to be rated PG-13 for some mature language and situations. It is a true adult comedy without being vulgar or too offensive.

SouthsideFive:  Who can get involved and how do they do it?

Actor auditions are this coming week! Sunday, Jan 11 at 3:00 and Monday Jan 12 at 6:30 at the Prizery. Musicians interested in auditioning should email me. If you want to work backstage you can show up at auditions or just email me.

SouthsideSix: Hollywood has just given the green light to your life story. Who do you cast to play Andy Rice, why, and what’s the title of this movie going to be?

I have no interest in a biopic!

BOO! You’re no fun! Heh.

And now, the famous SouthsideSeven question… ask yourself a question and then answer it!

SouthsideSeven: Why do I do theatre?

I’m insane! But it’s a really fun ride. You always learn something about yourself along the way.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, SouthsideSeven! We’re done! Thanks, Andy!

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