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LeonardWatch: The Tunstall Boycott

Watch out, Tunstall Fire Department. If you don’t tell Leonard Harville exactly what he wants when he wants it, he’s going to stomp his feet and POOF! you. Seriously.

This is a long one and it’s painful to read… but it’s worth it.

Um. Yeah. Let’s try to go over how farkin’ insane this rant is.

The “Freedom Of Information Act” says that public bodies are required to disclose any documents that you’re requested within five days, unless they are exempt for specified reasons. It doesn’t say “THE TUNSTALL FIRE DEPARTMENT MUST TELL ME EVERYTHING I WANT WHEN I WANT IT”. Most fire departments and other public safety agencies will issue media releases once the situation has been contained and all the facts have come in. How many times has Leonard published information that “he heard from somebody” that has turned out to be completely wrong?

Leonard hasn’t been banned from taking photos at any scene. He’s not respected in the public safety community because of the way that he uses his photos and the way that he makes up things and presents them as facts. And we all know that once he is proven to he’s wrong, he gets mad and starts deleting people.

He actually believes that the Tunstall Fire Department (or any other agency that doesn’t submit to his DEMAND FOR INFORMATION WHEN HE WANTS IT) cares that he’s not going to post the situation on Facebook. He crosses the line of decency when he implies that people shouldn’t support an agency’s fundraisers JUST BECAUSE THEY WON’T GIVE HIM THE INFORMATION HE WANTS WHEN HE DEMANDS IT.


There’s plenty of other examples of this, but this won’t matter to any of Leonard’s rabid followers until it happens to them. That’s when they’ll finally figure it out. They’ll complain just like the person above and then be deleted. Just like this person was… and the complaint post was deleted too.

All Leonard has to do is call or email whatever agency he wants information from. They’ll do what FOIA says that they have to do, and they’ll do it willingly. Even to Leonard. They know the law.

We’ll leave you with this meme…

It could happen to you one day. By the way, Leonard still hasn’t sued me yet like he said he was going to.


20 comments to LeonardWatch: The Tunstall Boycott

  • Melissa Davis

    I love reading your articles and not just the ones about Leonard, but you are DEAD ON when it comes to him and I find it hilarious!! Kudos to Tunstalls Fire Dept and hopefully others will follow suit!!

  • Ann

    He is such a whiney little bitch!

  • K. Bennett

    Here’s a news flash for you, Leonard: the local fire departments don’t give you information because they DON’T LIKE YOU. You are not the media. You are a pathetic little gossip monger.

    The Tunstall Fire Dept has my full support in telling Leonard to take a hike. So to speak…

  • I will still support any fire department and probably twice as much since they do not take his crap. These brain dead people will support him until they are on the receiving end of his so called news. I am sorry I do not care what he or his flunky say I do not want to find out something has happened to someone I care about from Facebook. I would not want my Mom or anyone I cared about finding out something has happened to me because he posted it on Facebook. It is not law enforcement or any volunteer place to kiss his tail. So he needs to go crawl back under the rock he came from.

  • Bob

    SouthsideCentral…If you were a woman, I would ask you out!! As a member of two rescue squads, We know that if Super Scooter arrives on scene to make sure the tape is far enough out so he cant get close. If he tries asking questions or interferes, he going to jail or being cited, we know that. Now as far as a few people with shiny badges, well Most, if not all, public safety agencies have a social media policy. EMS & Fire definitely have HIPPA to contend with, which he feels is unworthy of his morals. I got poofed because I told him that It is perfectly fine to post photos.. AFTER family was notified. He didn’t appreciate the ethics lesson! Anyhow.. Everyone with an IQ knows that leonard is an idiot… And by the way, I haven’t been sued yet eIther!!

  • Daniel

    Right Or wrong when fire/rescue is on an emergency scene no one needs to interrupt what’s going on! Everyone on the scene needs to be watching out for one another, and keeping the scene secure, not standing around talking to any reporter.

  • Gracie

    Hey bob… U can still take him to Dinner…

  • Rebecca Saunders

    Coming from a fire agency in Pitt co, we have been informed by higher ups if we take pictures, post them, post about a call we ran whether it be 15 minutes ago or 15 years ago you could be terminated from the agency. This guy is a prick and doesn’t deserve the attention he gets.

  • Brooke

    Correction Daniel….He is NOT a reporter. He is apathetic little man who rides his scooter around sticking his nose into everyone’s business…..he is not qualified to own a pen and paper. He probably still lives in his mother’s basement.

    • K. Bennett

      i think its about attention – he has a pathetic, desperate need for attention. And I totally agree – he is NOT a reporter.

      • Harold Garrison

        And look how much attention he gets on SSC. None of us can force morals on anyone else. The less “ink” he gets, the better for all of us. I am not defending him, however he is not breaking any law. He may be breaking Facebook rules. Who knows what all the Facebook rules are?

        • K. Bennett

          You have a point – he does get attention on SSC… overwhelmingly negative, though. The last thing he wants is to be called out and exposed. The only laws he breaks are those of decency and taste.

  • Brooke

    Yes, he does need attention. I am glad the state is starting up a mental health program for people like him. Maybe they can finally get his meds right. The people who praise him on the page all seem to have one thing in common….TPS…Trailer Park Syndrome.

  • Donald Freeman - aka Leonard's BFF

    We ALL have facebook pages!!!
    Should we ALL be able to stop and gawk and take pictures?… HELL NO!!
    The first responders have a job to do!!
    It’s our job as citizens to keep the heck out of the way!!

    It’s always something with this fool.
    If it’s not individual people, it’s the media, or the police, and now all of Tunstall that is conspiring against him.

    Like I told you before Leonard…it’s not very fun heckling you if we think you are mentally ill…..

    I’ll be listening to my scanner for the moped 10-50..aaaaaany day now.
    THOSE pics… I will be HAPPY to post to social media before your family is notified 🙂
    just to return the favor! since what you do is such a ‘service’…

  • Brooke

    What’s the deal with the scooter? Too many DWI tickets?
    That would be Driving While an Idiot.

  • Brandie

    He recently posted some incorrect information that got back to the people he was posting about. They came and confronted someone over false information, luckily it was a small scale situation — but lets say it wasn’t, or next time it isnt and someone gets HURT over falsified postings? When does someone step in and say hey– you are all ignorant for following this fear mongering “newscaster”?

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