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BreakDown: The Halifax County Stalemate

BreakDown articles are in-depth articles where I analyze and comment on what’s really happening. They’re opinion based, and I strongly encourage criticism and opposing viewpoints. I’m expecting to ruffle a few feathers on this one.

After going over the latest developments in the Halifax County Board of Supervisors deadlock over naming a new chairman, I’ve connected enough dots to lead me to the cause of this idiotic situation. It’s Doug Bowman.

Here’s our first BreakDown article on the situation (a few days after it happened).

Let’s review the players and the teams in this game:

Team Giordano: Larry Giordano, Doug Bowman , J.T. Davis, Tom West

Team Claiborne: Bryant Claiborne, Barry Bank, Lottie Nunn, Hubert Pannell

This idiotic situation got weirder (yet much clearer to me) when the News & Record published this um… interesting article on Thursday…

Halifax County administrator draws fire from staff

Hello, News & Record? You have the amazing photographer David Conner on your staff. Couldn’t you get a better photo than that? Anyway, let’s talk about the article first on a Big Board.

So how does all of this deal with the Board of Supervisors? Another Big Board, please.

  • Doug Bowman has incessantly came up with ideas to get rid of the Treasurer and Commissioner of Revenue offices. He looked like an ass when he jumped all over them about back tax collections and bills not going out on time. Even after being told that this has never worked in Virginia, Bowman is still holding tight to the idea.
  • Doug Bowman would be a poor choice for Board of Supervisors chairman because of his hotheadedness and even he probably knows that he’d never get the votes from Tom West or J.T. Davis.
  • Larry Giordano is also a poor choice for chairman. He’s just not up to speed on how things work and has looked foolish at times in his first year. However, he’d be a perfect sockpuppet for Bowman so that Bowman could advance his agenda and stomp on Team Claiborne. A vote for Larry Giordano is a vote for Doug Bowman.

Now that Jim Halasz & Stephanie Jackson’s “partnership” has been exposed, you can why Team Claiborne is digging in their heels. If the Treasurer & Commissioner of Revenue’s offices get eliminated, it makes Jackson’s finance department super powerful. In turn, that makes Halasz and Team Giordano safe until the next election. Team Bowman’s ascent to the power position got derailed with Ray Owen lost his seat in the special election to Hubert Pannell. That turned Team Bowman’s 5-3 majority into a 4-4 tie.

So what’s going to happen? I am quite confident that nobody on Team Claiborne is going to flip to Team Bowman’s side, and I can’t blame them after these new things have been revealed. Claiborne, Pannell, Nunn and Bank are on the “right side” of this issue. Team Bowman controls the finance committee and they’re looking to control much more of the county government. That leaves someone on Team Bowman to defect to the other team. Another Big Board, please.

Who’s likely to defect and why?

  • Doug Bowman: He’d have to abandon all of his plans and his ego to leave his own team. That ain’t gonna happen, folks.
  • Larry Giordano: He might realize that he’s being used as the pawn in this game, but I’m betting he already knows that and just wants that title of chairman. I’m very doubtful on him abandoning the ship.
  • Tom West or J.T. Davis: Ding ding ding! Either of the two could make a deal with Team Claiborne that might just include the vice-chairman position for whoever hits the buzzer and sells out first.

If Team Claiborne wins (and I hope that they do), that’s going to rightfully put heat on Jim Halasz and Stephanie Jackson. They might be packing their bags sooner than they’d want to.  You know we’re living in strange times when I think that Bizarre Barry Bank is on the right side of an issue. Heh.

As I said at the beginning of the article, this BreakDown is only my analysis of the situation and solely my opinion. I could be totally off-base on this, but I’ve connected the dots enough that I hope you consider what I’ve said. I highly encourage people to agree or disagree in the comments section below.

We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

10 comments to BreakDown: The Halifax County Stalemate

  • Berkeley Bidgood

    Any relation between Doug Bowman and Brenda Bowman?

  • Joe

    Agree with your analysis completely. Well done.

  • Concerned Halifax Citizen

    Well Bruce, we thank you for putting it all out there. Here are some more of my thoughts ….

    1. I think it’s time for a special election to re-elect a new board! This is a clear view of how ass backwards Halifax County can be. Wonder why our county isn’t progressing with the times?!?

    2. So from the beginning of Stephanie Jackson acquiring her position til current, I’ve heard (but unable to confirm) that she didn’t (and still may not) have her CPA license. If this is true, how did she obtain the position of Finance Director? Was it because her uncle was actively on the BOS at that time? Based on my experiences with her, she wants FULL control and doesn’t like to be called out on any thing. Please Halifax get rid of her, before this county falls in deep trouble.

    3. Instead of raising taxes to cut budgets, why don’t we cut salaries of those involved (Halasz, Jackson & BOS), stop giving money to the IDA, start collecting back taxes or put it on the courthouse steps for auction to recirculate back, just to name a few.

    4. Halifax does NOT need to eliminate the offices of Commission of Revenue / Treasurer. In my opinion, by doing so, will allow one person (Finance Director) to have full control of county funds, too much power, and lack of checks & balances.

    • Thanks. Let’s talk about your thoughts.

      #1: Elections have consequences. There’s no way to clear the board out and start fresh. J.T. Davis, Doug Bowman, Bryant Claiborne and Lottie Nunn are up for reelection. Who’s willing to run against them and serve?

      #2: Stephanie Jackson is now on the hot seat along with Halasz. Their jobs are in danger with all of this information finally coming out.

      #3: Cutting those salaries would be a teaspoon out of a bucket of water. You also aren’t going to attract the best employees to come to Halifax County with relative low pay and a precedent of cutting salaries. I’m strongly against cutting the IDA funding. They already provide over 80% of their own budget, and you need to have economic development and recruiting efforts. Look at the mess Pittsylvania County is in after their Board of Idiots eliminated the economic development office out of vengeance.

      #4: Strong agree. The voters will never let that happen for that reason.

  • Bob

    Lets cross our fingers for the 9th spot bill to pass and get some new blood in there…. wink wink bruce

  • This is the most childish BOS that I’ve ever seen with my many years of living in this county. This is my hometown and I’m ashamed of the way they are acting with other counties around us sitting back and laughing at them. They are sitting back learning from our BOS on how not to act while trying to vote in a chairman to lead our BOS. Where is the person that’s suppose to keep the peace during these meetings? We dont have one of them either? I think we should get rid of the ones that are causing this trouble and special elect ones that will run this county as it should be run and not send a lot of money they dont need to spend!!!

  • Food for thought: recall the entire board and start over. Sounds like they all have too much history to ever make impartial decisions:
    Code § 24.2-233 states acceptable reasons for recall when it has “material adverse effect upon the conduct of the office” include:[2]
    Neglect of duty
    Misuse of office
    Incompetence in the performance
    Other acceptable reasons include:
    Conviction of a misdemeanor relating to drugs
    Conviction of a misdemeanor involving a “hate crime”
    Petition requirements:
    The petition for recall must be signed by at least 10% of the number of people who voted in the last election for the office being recalled.[2] The petition must also detail the reasons for removal.[4]
    Further applicable petition requirement for local recall efforts may be found in § 24.2-684.1. Potential petitioner should check with their local authorities for the most current and applicable regulations.

  • Bob

    A. Election is in November… replace those running for reelection. B. Call legislatures involved with current bill to add 9th member……
    result COULD be 6 new members this time next year……

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