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RandomThoughts! (1/17/2015)

If I’m thinking it, odds are you that you are as well. RandomThoughts time!

  • What do the Spoon-billed sandpiper, the Cuban greater funnel eared bat, the West Australian underground orchid and city managers have in common? They’re all on the threatened species list.
  • Jeez. Do you think Ecomnets’ latest proposal to get Tobacco Commission grant money got rejected because they Job Busted on the first grant and are still paying it back? Nah, couldn’t be. You’d think a newspaper reporter would ask that question.
  • The Halifax County IDA sent out a slick press release to the two local newspapers in Halifax County. (not to SouthsideCentral… hmmm). Those two newspapers run it bylined as “Special to the (newspaper name)”. Nice.
  • Has anybody been by the new downtown fire station/911 center since it opened? Me neither.
  • Whatever happened to the Danville Textile/Tobacco Museum? I seem to remember it back in the 1980’s?
  • I notice that the “#BlackLivesMatter” hashtag hasn’t shown up at all when somebody shot at a house on Harrison St. Tuesday night.
  • There’s Big Money in Danville. You can see that at Jake’s on Main, Golden Leaf Bistro and Friday night’s “Corks and Forks” event.
  • I’m getting conflicting answers on whether the old Belk building downtown has been sold or not.
  • Why haven’t you been to the Danville Museum?

That’s some RandomThoughts! for today. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

13 comments to RandomThoughts! (1/17/2015)

  • Louise

    I’m hearing about possible candidates for City Council and School Board (2016). Have you picked up on any prospects? Can you help get serious candidates and not those just running because it’s on their bucket list???

  • B K Alderson

    When do you want a tour of the new fire station?

  • I am surprised Ecomnets did not get the additional money. Lately seems like everybody with their hand out has been handed a BIG wad of cash.

  • Jerry

    The old Tobacco/Textile Museum was actually pretty good.

    I think the Danville Museum’s problem is its dual nature. Is it an art museum or a historical tour? I know that I’ve had that question asked of me. Visitors aren’t quite sure if there’s art in there or not….they think it’s a history tour of the old Confederate capitol. It would be better if they placed the art exhibits in a different facility. That way, people who wanted history could take the tour and people who wanted art could go to a facility dedicated to art. Just a thought…..

  • Bruce I hope you will take up Mr Alderson’s offer of a tour of the new fire station. I also hope you will try to investigate the rumor going around town that the utility bill for last month was $7000 for that building. If it is true, the department’s entire yearly utility budget will be spent in no time at all.

  • straight_shooter

    What a random thought”BlackLivesMatter” is more than a hashtag, I see that you are 100% certain that whoever was shot is black. You are such a race pimp… I gotta give it to you. You keep a divisive platform. Its to bad your not any better than that.

    • I am quite confident that the occupants of the house were black. I asked the police department.

      I find it amusing that you find calling out hypocrisy to be “race pimping”. To me, it’s “#AllLivesMatter”.

  • Bob

    Having been in the OLD 911 center.. (basement of the courthouse/city bldg., and the old station, the new ones are fantastic! You should go visit and if you need an escort (Not like that), I would be glad to make the time to take you through!!

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