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QuickHits! (1/25/2015)

It’s Sunday, and that means it’s time for another QuickHits! article. Let’s take a look at some of the stories around the region that have caught my eye in the last few weeks.

You know a Big Board is coming out…

And that’s some QuickHits! for today. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

3 comments to QuickHits! (1/25/2015)

  • Rachel

    My partner, Allen, worked for Alamance County Mental Health until his stroke in 2010. He remained employed, but in sick leave until his position was eliminated in June, 2011. Alamance County mental health services are now a part of a “network” of several counties with employees past the limit and too many patients not getting the treatment they need.

  • Gracie

    The Mental Health System in Virginia is still not 100% but at least it is getting better. but why. Because someone like Creigh Deeds had that go thru what thousands of us parents go thru. Now Creigh knows what we having been saying for years and he is our spokes person. I am sorry he went thru what he did. I am sorry Gus lost his life. I don’t wish that on any one. but we as parents have been saying the same thing. Cho was a victim as well and what did the state do. They wanted to go after the gun show people. School shootings happened. what did Richmond want to do. Go after the gun show people. None of these were gun issues. They were issues that the mental health system had gone to hell and no one wanted to admit it. Now they are saying hey we need to to do something. I say a day late and a dollar short. but a least now we do have something to go on. Wonder if they ever said to the Cho’s we are SORRY… I doubt it and probally never will..

  • Gracie

    It won’t take Larry long to find a job.. After Clear Channel got rid of Kenny Shelton on WYYD.. He was working at another station in no time

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