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Facebook Trainwreck Spotting!

Everybody just can’t help but look at a big trainwreck!

We get a lot of submissions to our SouthsideCentral email (southsidecentral AT southsidecentral DOT com) and we try to use as many as we can. We’re going to look at a complaint about a local restaurant that quickly devolved into a trainwreck with people making wild defamatory accusations.

We start with the original post that was made in some Facebook yard sale group. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with yard sales and I don’t know why it was put there. No, I’m not obscuring the names of the people who made the comments. I stand behind what I write and so should everybody else.

OK, fine. Miyako restaurant has gone downhill in quality and I’ve commented before that it seems nobody is ever in their parking lot.

But, hey, slamming Miyako’s isn’t good enough for other people. The trainwreck is about to start.

Hoo Boy. I’ve eaten at Gina’s Restaurant (on N. Main St.) before and I strongly believe that there’s no chance in hell of this ever happening. Now let’s get to the heart of this trainwreck.

All righty then. If you need to pick your jaw off the floor after reading that “I was told by a friend” human trafficking accusation, go right ahead. Let’s finish this article off with another lovely comment.

This is total horsecrap. The Perry family closed the Bonanza restaurant franchise because Western Sizzlin was putting a big dent in their sales and they were also ready to retire. But hey, who needs facts when you can make crap up?

This trainwreck has been brought to you by an anonymous submitter and some Facebook yardsale group. Keep those submissions coming in!


10 comments to Facebook Trainwreck Spotting!

  • Well as someone once said,

    “Dan River Mills may have closed, but the Dan River Rumor Mill is still going strong”

  • kooldown

    This Is great!!

  • Bob

    ALL issues are addressed if brought to a managers attention…. At least at the sponsor of this website….

  • Jerry

    I actually miss that Bonanza.

    Like you, I’ve heard that Miyako’s appears to be on its last legs. But I’ve come to doubt any of these “rumors.” I sometimes think it’s just people wanting to start a rumor.

    There are other “rumors” about restaurants in town. A couple of restaurants besides Miyako are allegedly “rumored” to be closing in the next few months. I do agree…The Dan River Rumor Mill remains in tip-top operating condition!

    • Lee Smallwood

      I think speculating about the fate of restaurants is fair game. For instance, I was recently at Santana’s on a weekend night. It was dead. That’s a shame because I’ve always enjoyed it. I hope that was just an uncharacteristic night.

      • Jerry

        Perhaps it’s fair.

        But I would assume you’ve lived in the area long enough to know that so many of these rumors just never pan out.

        I have heard for years that Highlander is going to close. (That rumor was really hot after the shooting there a while back….they even had Facebook posts telling people they weren’t closing.) And I’ll admit….whenever I drive by there, even on weekends, the parking lot doesn’t give the impression of being close to full. But yet….it remains open.

  • Donald Freeman

    I think I sounded off on that thread… Yeah. Miako’s sucks… but we all knew that…didnt we?
    How much are you willing to pay for food that came off the Sysco truck?

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