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NumbersCentral: The NASCAR Hall of Fame Trip

There’s been a lots of assumptions made and stories spread about how much the City of Danville spent on a trip to Charlotte NC. This was for Wendell Scott’s induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Let’s squash off all of the assumptions and stories by doing a NumbersCentral review on the trip expenses and take a look at the advertisement that the city ran in the official program for the ceremony.

Let’s take a look at the itemized expenses.

Now, let’s take a look at that display ad in the official program…

The money for this trip was already allocated in the economic development department’s budget. Promoting Danville is a valid and reasonable part of economic development. I’m sure I’ll get some howls of protest over that statement, but it’s the truth.

And there you go. Now you know what was spent and where it went. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!

12 comments to NumbersCentral: The NASCAR Hall of Fame Trip

  • Scott

    Thank you for reporting this information.

  • The ad actually cost a little more than the trip. It doesn’t look like they wasted anything and didn’t spend a lot. I think that you are right. This was a great way to promote our city.

  • Anonymous

    Not a whole spent for what they got, I was all for it!!!! In my book he was a great legend of Danville and deserved the respect. Thanks for supporting him and reporting this Bruce.

  • I agree Danville officials should have been there out of respect for Mr. Scott’s accomplishments.

    Thanks, Bruce.

  • Anonymous

    Not a big spend in the big picture and it would have been embarrassing for the city had they not participated in this manner. I’m proud of the city for the commitment and dedication they showed towards this significant event.

  • Gracie

    This was worth it cause just think if no one from the city had gone to this or no ad had been purchased to support the Scott Family just think about the conversations that would be going on. Just saying

  • SheilaB

    Danville was promoted for a nice reason. And what better time for such promotion than during Black History month. Danvillians should be proud of someone who did so great as to be the first to do it. We have to sell ourselves and that encompasses many entities-tourism, education, our way of life and what we have to offer. Whether or not this $10,000 will return to us in developing our economy, not likely, but it made a lot of people feel good didn’t it. And I am not anonymous!

  • bbowman

    Bruce, thank you for reporting this. I would like to add my thoughts on this as well. As personal friends of the Scott family, myself and four other members of my family, Ken, Lindsay, George, and Jackie, along with Jessie Barksdale, committed early on to attend the events in Charlotte. We wouldn’t have missed this once in a lifetime event for anything and were proud to be a part of this long overdue recognition for Wendell Scott’s accomplishments. My brother, as a teenager, often helped on Wendell’s pit crew. I also worked with the Scott family and the event advertising promoter by gathering the information necessary for Danville to have a presence in the Official Program and forwarded that information on to Joe King. I was delighted that the City sent a delegation and their full page ad was beautiful and showed their respect and pride in Wendell. I might also add that during Franklin Scott’s (Wendell’s son) acceptance on behalf of the family before the large number of attendees at the ceremony and on live TV, he personally thanked the delegation from Danville and Pittsylvania County for their support and attendance. Having paid our own way and knowing the cost of everything for the event, and being in the company of the Danville officials, I can say with personal knowledge that the money spent for the City officials to attend and for the Program advertisement was money well spent. I was proud to be in their company as we all witnessed with much pride Wendell’s induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame.

  • trevor

    BRUCE Is the full program for which you posted a picture available on ? I would like to find and save it. Please let me know.

  • DSD

    I was so proud when I saw the Danville delegation in the videos and pictures for hall of fame induction of Wendell Scott. Many years ago my dad would donate parts to Wendell. My husband helped Wendell on frame work and front end set up along with brake work. Wendell was a very nice man and his family was always very appreciative of any assistance. Congratulations to the Scott Family.

  • #OnlyInDanville

    Great job City of Danville, this is the first step in gobalizing tourism!!!!

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