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Utilities Steering Committee – LIVE! (3/16/15)

We’re LIVE! at Danville’s City Hall for today’s Utilities Steering Commission meeting. We’ve got some photos from the meeting here, but we’re going to do separate articles on the results since we have 11 pages of results from the brainstorming. We’ll keep this article published since it’s already been indexed and the newspaper didn’t send a reporter. Heh.

Today, the committee is going to complete the process of listing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Danville Utilities.

Our facilitator is ready.

(L-R) John Gilstrap, Phillip Smith, Jim Turpin, Gary Miller and Bill Donahue. Fred Shanks arrived around 4:50 PM.

Good seats were very much available for today’s meeting. Even the Register & Bee didn’t send a reporter to this meeting.

We’ve got two more of these committee meetings left. At the final one, the group will come up with the recommendations on what to do with Danville Utilities. Hint: It won’t be to sell it.

We’ll show you what the committee came up with on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in articles coming up on Tuesday.

2 comments to Utilities Steering Committee – LIVE! (3/16/15)

  • HighRatesLessJobs

    It will not be to sell because we will not be able to sell it because no one would buy it for what we would have to sell it for. We need large businesses to come to town. The rate increases are hurting the businesses we have, as well as the low wage citizens living here. It is going to be hard to attract business to come because of the reports that our utilities are higher than in other areas. It is truly a dire situation that we find ourselves in. I understand that the City allows business to participate in a plan where they can save by cutting use during peak periods. Some that done so, the problem is that the increase percentage is much higher than the % of savings. Of course, saving is saving but when it still means you have to cut production or that you lose work to other cities where the cost is lower, it really hurts.

  • […] Here’s the link to our LIVE! coverage of Monday’s meeting (although there’s mainly…. […]

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