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UPDATED: RottenReporting: It’s Mark Warner’s Fault!

Editor’s Note: We’ve updated this article to show the actual email sent out by Mark Warner’s office and the reply sent to people who RSVP’d. You won’t be surprised, folks.

Who’s to blame if Mark Warner doesn’t show up for an event that Mark Warner was never supposed to be at? Clearly, it’s Mark Warner.

On Monday, WGSR/WMDV ran this “Breaking News” segment and it was completely wrong.

Video: Star News (Charles Roark & Jessica Robinson): No “Warner on the Corner”

First: It’s clear that neither Roark nor Robinson did any show preparation on this, because if you go to Senator Mark Warner’s “Warner on the Corner” webpage, you see this…

Note the words “Representatives from Senator Mark Warner’s office will be traveling around the Commonwealth” and “Our staff will be on-hand throughout Virginia in the coming months.” That’s pretty clear to me.

Second: It’s rather stupid to think IF Mark Warner was going to hold a town hall type event (which he’s never done in the past), he’d do it at the Blue Ridge “Lie-Berry” from 6 to 8 PM. I had to chuckle when Roark asked “Well, where is Mark Warner at?” and Robinson replied “I don’t know.” She had talked to Mark Warner’s representative before this segment, and if I was stupid enough to have believed Mark Warner was really going to be there… that would have been my first question.

Third: Robinson’s commentary about Warner not living up to his word (or words to that effect) was completely out of line because it was based on her own stupid belief that Warner was a no-show. It’s much easier to talk that way about a public figure when they’re not in front of you.

Fourth: Roark & Robinson seemed shocked that Warner’s representative didn’t want cameras around when constituents were telling their problems that they were having. Really? Here comes the “What do they have to hide?” line. My mind almost boggled at that inanity. Not everything needs a Star News camera poked in the middle of it just because Roark and Robinson want it to be that way.

Things didn’t go the way that Charles Roark & Jessica Robinson wanted. So instead of holding back on the story a few minutes and doing a little investigation, they decided to talk crap about Mark Warner live on TV… and be totally wrong about everything.

That’s RottenReporting.


UPDATE: We reached out to Senator Mark Warner’s office to get copies of the alleged “invitation that said Mark Warner would be attending”. Here it is.

That is perfectly clear.

Next, here’s the RSVP reply that was sent out to people who clicked that link above.

Again, perfectly clear. So what stupid person would say that Mark Warner mislead people?

Well then. Smoke ’em if you got ’em, kids. Heh.



1 comment to UPDATED: RottenReporting: It’s Mark Warner’s Fault!

  • Gracie

    Anyone knows if Mark Warner is coming to town. He wants to be some where, that holds at least a few hundred people. He wants an audience.

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