The Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly Business After Hours was hosted by Ecomnets. Let’s take a look at some photos from the event. Shameless plug: Join the Chamber. It’s well worth it.
We’ve got enough photos for two articles, so let’s get started.

It’s a beautiful day to go to Ecomnets.

They’ve got a nice outdoor area for their employees.

If you’re visiting for business, they make you give up your ID in exchange for a visitors badge. You get your ID back when you turn in your visitors badge. Tonight, the doors were unlocked.

This case is full of awards from Microsoft.

Another piece of furniture in the front lobby.

Every guest at tonight’s Business After hours gets an Ecomnets goodie bag.

Here’s the conference room where we’ll gather tonight.

Tonight’s food is cooked on the grill by Phillip Wright.

Here’s more of tonight’s food.
That’s the first part of our PhotoCentral recap on this Business After Hours. We’ll have the final part coming up very soon on SouthsideCentral.
What was in your goodie bag?
We got an Ecomnets notebook and a mini flashlight. Yay!
[…] PhotoCentral: Business After Hours – Ecomnets (Part #1) […]
maybe they spen to much on the food ???
The meats for this one were cooked on the grill in their picnic area. That was interesting.
The conference room is the old E.D.S. lunch room. It appears that even the tables and chairs are left over from E.D.S. No doubt that’s why there are so many more seats than are required for their workforce.