We’re LIVE! for the second time today! Now we’re at Danville City Hall for today’s Danville Planning Commission meeting. Today’s meeting starts at 3 PM. We have a new article up for the Utility Commission meeting at 4 PM.
Editor’s Note: This article is now complete.

Harold Garrison talks to the city staff before the meeting.
Jimmy Bolton & Q Jones are out today.

Two empty seats isn’t out of the normal for the Planning Commission.

Jeffrey Bond is way more patient than I would have been.
Jeffrey Bond is here representing the owner of 616 N. Main St. They are going to open a restaurant but need a Special Use Permit to have live music. That passes 5-0. The plans are for this restaurant to be a “farm-to-table” type.
Ann Evans asked if people who are eating at the restaurant would have to buy admission to the music area. Bond says he thinks that’s the case. I would have said “It’s none of your business how somebody runs their business. Your job is just to approve or deny the music area.” Gah!
Same thing for a warehouse and storage request on Old Richmond Road. Bruce Wilson asks what is going to be stored in the building. Does it matter to the Planning Commission? NO! Gah again! 5-0 vote passes it.
Darrell Wiseman (owner of Danville Toyota) is asking for a rezoning to ease setback requirements for a proposed RV sales business. This would be above Danville Toyota across from Food Lion. Mark Johnson from LE&D is here to talk about it.

Mark Johnson explains the new RV business that will be coming up above Danville Toyota.
It passes 5-0 as well. Moving along, Riverside Equipment gets approval for a setback adjustment.
R.J. Lackey now speaks on the old Habitat For Humanity building item on the agenda. He asks to amend the original Special Use Permit request to add some possible other acceptable uses and it’s passed on another 5-0 vote.
Around the horn time. Bruce Wilson asks for possibly adding urban gardens in the Old West End district. Ken Gillie says that they’ll bring that up at the next meeting along with some other ideas that the city’s planning department is working on.
We’re done here. Utility Commission is next!
[…] from last month’s Planning Commission meeting is […]