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Prediction: DRMC to Announce New Medical Clinic

Follow SouthsideCentral on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You’re guaranteed to get the latest information, photos and happenings if we’re unable to write an article immediately. Yesterday, we were able to investigate a lead and figure out what’s going to happen.

Here’s what I pushed out yesterday around 4 PM.

BREAKING: SouthsideCentral is now confident that Danville Regional Medical Center will build a freestanding medical clinic near the intersection of Cane Creek Blvd. & Highway 58. We anticipate the official announcement from DRMC in a few months.

This story started on Monday and developed quickly. Although there’s nothing official on this and all parties issued a “No comment”, I’m 100% confident that this will happen.

Danville Regional Medical Center and Centra are in a medical services war now that Centra is making a strong move into Southside. Centra’s new medical center being built on Piedmont Drive will suck up the PrimeCare location by Danville Mall, but the PrimeCare East clinic on Airport Drive will stay open. Centra does occupational medicine out there. The proximity of that clinic to all of Danville’s industrial parks means that there’s always going be plenty of business in that field. If DRMC puts a medical office near that intersection, all of a sudden they become much closer to those industrial parks than Centra.  Once you combine that with the fact that a DRMC clinic there would also pull customers from outside Pittsylvania County and Halifax County, you can see that it’s just good business acumen. DRMC has always had a strategy to add freestanding medical clinics in the underserved area surrounding Danville.

There’s still a lot of work to be done before the announcement happens. The property out there is owned by the Regional Industrial Facilities Authority so that will take time to process and they’ll have to go through the permitting regulations. As I said yesterday, I’m expecting an announcement in a few months. I’d bet that this medical facility is up and running by the end of the year.

So there you have it. Nothing official, but I’m at the 100% confidence level so I’m publishing it.



2 comments to Prediction: DRMC to Announce New Medical Clinic

  • Blueridge

    It would seem that the Doctors are playing a kind of Monopoly with the medical needs of the area…and that is fine, because patients will be able to compare their care, and benefit. Thousands of our people should find quality care to be more available to them, now.

  • Gerald Cooper

    Maybe DRMC should first follow through on all the promises they made about upgrading the Chatham clinic back when they were opposing Centra’s Gretna facility obtaining a CT scanner. Especially that imaging center they spoke so much about.

    Or maybe they could find a doctor for their DRMC Gretna clinic.

    It seems DRMC is abandoning the north-county and circling the wagons closer to home.

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