Our site statistics show that our readers are loving these PhotoCentral articles so we’ll keep rolling along in the series.
Here’s the links to what we’ve published so far: Part #1 – Part #2 – Part #3 – Part #4
In our last article, we had made it about halfway through the food vendors’ area on Friday night and feeling quite stuffed. Let’s keep it going…
Remember, folks. I’m only evaluating the food so that you know what’s the best. Heh.

Oh no. Funnel cakes. I can’t pass up a funnel cake.

The lemonade refill war is on.

I must resist the temptation of BBQ ribs.

It’s getting harder to avoid the temptation now that they are clearly award-winning BBQ ribs.

Um. Auntie appears to be male. Perhaps it should be Uncle’s Sweet Tea Stand.

If Bernice & L.C. Moore are choosing this food vendor, that’s good enough for me.

Well, that seals it. If Danville City Manager Joe King and his wife always are eating here, I’ll do the same.

You’d be surprised to know that I passed on the deep fried Oreos. You’d not be surprised to know that I did not pass on the strawberry/pina colada smoothie. And yes, they will serve it inside a hollowed out pineapple for $10.
The end of the food vendors row is in sight. Will I make it without passing out from overeating and overdrinking (no alcohol…yet)? You’ll find out in Part #6, and that’s coming up soon on SouthsideCentral!
Enjoyed pictures Bruce, some really different
Goodies this year.
Thanks for the kind words. 🙂