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Danville City Council – LIVE! (5/19/15)

We’re LIVE! at Danville City Hall for tonight’s Danville City Council meeting. Refresh the page often for the latest photos, happenings and commentary.

Let’s get started.

Whew. Big crowd.

Fire Captain Daryl Rigney & Police Captain Tommy Merricks start the public comment section. They talk about the unfairness of the revised pay scales as it refers to public safety employees.

There’s support from all eight council members on revisiting this issue. Sherman Saunders reads his agreement from a mysteriously pre-written statement.

Jane Murray is up next.

She speaks for the museum’s board of directors, saying that they are opposed to the Heritage Preservation Association’s proposal to put a sign on the museum.

Wayne Byrd from the HPA speaks in favor of the sign.

This sign would say “Confederate Memorial” like it did over 50 years ago.

No Denice Thibodeau tonight. We’ve got Trevor!

Vernell Gwynn, president of the local chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy speaks for the sign and slyly suggests splitting the history part of the museum from the art.

Cara Burton, director of the museum, invites everyone to the new exhibits coming on Friday.

I have no idea what the hell these people are going on about. Water? Alkali? Are they trying to sell something?

Fred Shanks moves to table the budget approval until later. The motion to table is not debatable (we went over that last meeting) but nobody cares. Sherman Saunders says he’s close to calling for the vote AND HE CAN’T DO THAT. If he tries it, I want someone to call a point of order.

Around the horn time coming up. We’ll recap that in the editing process. We frickin’ heart Alonzo Jones. Thanks for kind words about our Festival in the Park coverage.

We’re into the work session now.

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