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“… I KNOW are true!” (5/23/15)

I enjoy saying things that are true. They may make people uncomfortable and mad, but I’m not afraid to say things directly.

Let’s pull a Big Board out because… “These five things I KNOW are true”.

  • “Danville’s municipal water supply has back to its normal taste and aroma.” – Unsurprisingly, the process worked exactly like it was supposed to. The water treatment plant resumed the activated carbon treatment and it took a lot of time to pump the non-stinky water through the entire system. Lessons have been learned from this issue. The only mistake that was made was the water treatment plant stopping the carbon treatment when they first thought the algae problem was over. That caused the stinky water to re-infiltrate the system again.
  • “The outrageous outrage from some people over the stinky water situation died immediately once there was nothing left to complain about.” – Want an example? Take a look at this Facebook group. Absolutely nothing new here for the last month. I mentioned that the group had died and got banned for that comment. I had been a thorn in the side of the anonymous page creator because I responded to all the ridiculous comments with facts and logic. I loved it.
  • “Nobody actually got sick from the stinky water.” – Virginia Department of Health statistics showed no increases of any kind of water-borne illnesses during the stinky water timeframe. Of course, that didn’t stop people from believing and/or complaining about getting sick. Sadly, that’s how things usually goes once people got a dose of panic and hysteria.
  • “You’re not got to get any kind of monetary relief from the water problem.” – I don’t want to believe this one is true, but it really looks like it will be. The idea that was floated (see what I did there?) of a $X rebate on your water bill sounded like a good idea until I realized that there’s no fair way to make that happen. Lots of apartment residents don’t pay their separate water bill, so how do you get the rebate down to those people’s level? Household sizes vary greatly. I made it quite easy on 1 case of bottled water per week, but what if you have 5 people in your house? How about commercial customers? Restaurants? A “one size fits all” rebate doesn’t fit well once these situations are put into the equation.

“This article is complete.” See, I told you I had five things that were true. We’ve got more coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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